C.L.I.C.K. for Justice and Equality is an agent of communication alerting our social community of injustices and inequalities among the socially disadvantaged and disenfranchised individual. C.L.I.C.K. developed and created this website to assist the socially disenfranchised or disadvantaged individual in litigating their issues in Federal and State courts.

Friday, July 06, 2012

Friday's Daily Brief: June Jobs Report: Unemployment Unchanged

Friday, July 6, 2012
More Republican Candidates Buck Grover Norqust No-Tax Pledge
'Nothing To Gain And Everything To Lose'
Andy Griffith's Cause Of Death Revealed
PHOTO: Mother Urges 14-Year-Old Daughter To Get Breast Implants
Chris Rock Sparks Controversy With 'White People's Day' Tweet
Robert Reich: How Not to Get Big Pharma to Change Its Ways
The only way to get big companies like GSK to change their behavior is to make the individuals responsible feel the heat.
Dr. Peggy Drexler: Parents and Poverty: This Recession Can Hurt for a Generation
In the flailing efforts to forestall economic collapse, and the long fight to right an economy that still can't find its way, there is long term danger lurking in the forest -- particularly how the worst downturn since the Depression is shaping a generation of children and young adults.
Leonard Maltin: OFF-HOLLYWOOD: The Five Best Indie Movies To See This Month
It wasn't so long ago that if a film failed in its theatrical run one's only hope was to find it, usually by chance, on cable TV somewhere down the road. Now there are multiple options, and many filmmakers and distributors are choosing digital distribution
Melissa Sher: The Real Secret to Flying With Children
A recent survey of every single person on the planet asked, "What's your greatest fear?" One hundred percent of respondents gave the same answer: Being seated next to a baby on a plane.
Samara O\'Shea: Interview With an Adulterer
When I was in my early 20s, my Aunt Veronica yanked me aside at a family party and said, "Has anyone told you about married men?" Her inflection made me laugh. It was a warning both stern and amusing.

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