Nine year old is 41st child/student killed in 10 months in Chicago | | Girl killed, 3 others wounded on South Side of Chicago Date: June 24, 2009 - (Excerpted - click here to read full story) A 9-year-old girl was killed and three other people were wounded when an unknown shooter or shooters opened fire from a van on a crowded block on the South Side Wednesday night. The young victim was identified by her family as Chastity Turner, who was just beginning her summer vacation after 3rd grade and was staying with her father at her grandmother's house when the shooting occurred. Two males who were also shot in the incident were taken with non-life threatening injuries to Stroger Hospital, while a third male walked to a nearby hospital for treatment, police said.
Chastity's grandmother Tanya Turner said the girl was washing the family's pit bull terriers on the side of the two-story apartment building with her father when a van pulled up and someone began shooting. The shots struck Chastity in the neck and also hit the girl's 31-year-old father, identified by family as Andre Turner.
Police said that the shots came from a light-green van, and an abandoned vehicle fitting that description was recovered a short time later a few blocks from the shooting. Turner said her granddaughter had just completed 3rd grade at Thorp Elementary School, and was to spend summer vacation at her home as well as at the home of her maternal grandmother. During the year she lived with her mother near 64th Street and Martin Luther King Drive.
"She was a normal, playful, little girl who always wanted to dance and play with everybody," said Ericka Johnson, a cousin. "She was lovable, smart, tough, respectable."
Turner said innocent victims like her granddaughter have become all too common in Chicago.
"I've seen the pictures. I've seen the balloons [from memorials]. You wonder how anybody could cut down a 5-, 6-, 9-year-old,'' she said. "Little kids die every day. It's somebody's grandchild, everyday."
(A witness) said in the shooting Wednesday night he heard as many as 10 shots from what sounded like one or more handguns, as well as at least 3 shots from a shotgun.
Johnson agreed that the neighborhood had been plagued by violence since the weather had turned warm in recent weeks, with fights and gunfire almost every night in the area. She said she had been worried that an innocent person was going to get killed in the disputes, and was crushed to find that it was her own cousin.
"It's got to end; why does it have to come to this?," she said as she comforted her daughter and other family members. "It's all dumb and now this ... a baby gone, for nothing."
by Carlos Sadovi and Robert Mitchum
| 0D Join The Black Star Project's Community Peace Patrol To get a different result, you must try different actions | | With 41 children/students killed in the past 10 months in Chicago, we must try something different Policing, by itself, as the major crime prevention strategy in American cities, does not work!!! The Obama White House response to the violence in Chicago=2 0delivered by Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to the White House, as reported to the Wall Street Journal was, "The government will provide an unprecedented level of support for law enforcement...." "An unprecedented level of support for law enforcement" will not and cannot stop the violence that is destroying America from within. The issue of mostly Black and Latino children dying in the streets is not a Chicago issue, it=2 0is an American issue! Every city and many smaller towns have this same problem. The blood of mostly Black and Latino youth is running in the streets of America with little or no response from the White House (about 6,000 murdered per year according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Until President Obama provides federal attention and national leadership on this issue--not just support for "law enforcement"--the carnage will continue or worsen. In the old west, when the law could not or would not protect the people, the people organized to protect themselves. It is time for men to take to the streets as Community Peace Patrollers to help protect our children, to bring "Peace to the Hood" and to bring hope to the people of America! We are not the police, we will not pretend to be the police and we will not act as police. We are men from the community who will work to bring peace to the community by: - walking American communities in squads of six
- delivering life-improving information to young people in desperate situations
- talking to and mentoring youth
- becoming a model of hope for struggling communities
- bringing a sense of peace and security back to violence-ridden and war-torn communities
- encouraging men in churches, fraternities, veteran's organizations, Masonic orders, athletic teams, community organizations and other naturally assembling bodies of men to stand up and be men of service, hope and action to children, to communities and to America
Please join the Community Peace Patrol by calling 773.285.9600. Women may volunteer to support this effort with administration and contributions. 0A Just as every city has a police department, every city should have a Community Peace Patrol. So far, we have failed Chastity Turner and millions of children like Chastity Turner with our inadequate policies that do not address the real issues of American communities. At the very least, we owe positive action to Chastity Turner. Click here to see a list of the 40 other children/students killed in Chicago this year. In tribute, we fly the U.S. Flag upside down for Chastity Turner, 9 years old, 3rd grade student at Thorp School in Chicago, Killed on June 24, 2009. Flying the flag upside down is an internationally recognized symbol of extreme distress and danger to life. Please ask President Obama to send help that we can use--job training, jobs, educational programs, community development, family-building assistance and social support programs--during the worst U.S. economy in 80 years. We need a trickle-up stimulus plan, not simply more police. We are willing to work for America, but we need the White House to work for Americans. We, too, are America. | "Take a Black Male to Worship" at your church, mosque, temple or synagogue on your day of worship nearest to Sunday, June 28, 2009. =0 A "Take a Black Male to Worship Day" In the Bible in the Book of Acts, Chapter 8 - Verse 31, a young man responds to the question of does he understands how to worship20God with, "How can I, except some man should guide me." On Sunday, June 28, 2009, we are asking older men to guide younger men towards spirituality, fatherhood, prosperity and high-quality family living. How can they know, except that some man would guide them? | | The K.O.G. Warriors will be traveling with The Black Star Project on Sunday, June 28, 2009, from church-to-church in Chicago, Illinois, showing the world that young Black men are strong, serious and committed to God and community! There is still time to organize "Take a Black Male to Worship" at your church, mosque, temple or synagogue on your day of worship nearest to Sunday, June 28, 2009. </ div> Rev. Jeffery Hodges, King of Glory C.O.G.I.C., Chicago, Illinois Founder of K.O.G. Warriors Please ask your faith leader to ensure that your faith-based institution participates in this event. If you wish to participate in or lead the effort in your city or in your congregation on Sunday, June 28, 2009, (or your day of worship near this date), please call Mr. Bruce Walker at 773.285.9600 for an organizing kit and to register or email Rev. Charles A. Woolery, Sr. First Wesley Academy UMC, Harvey, Illinois </ SPAN> The Black Star Project's Million Father Movement is partnering with the most dynamic force in the Black community--the Black church. Black churches, mosques, temples and synagogues across the country are working together on "Take a Black Male to Worship Day," Sunday, June 28, 2009. Faith-based institutions throughout America are participating in this event.  Rev. James M. Moody Quinn Chapel AME Church, Chicago This movement of men and women, spirits and ideas, is designed to help save the lives and the spirits of young Black males and is being led by faith institutions across America. This is the third "Take a Black Male to Worship" day. We are planning 4 "Take a Black Male to Worship" days per year with the next one planned for Sunday, June 28, 2009. If your church has not participated in one, please ensure that they are participating in the next. Pastor L.C. Green Divine Temple C.O.G.I.C., Green Bay, Wisconsin We are especially asking fathers, grandfathers, foster fathers, stepfathers, uncles, cousins, big brothers, mentors, deacons, trustees, male choir members, significant male caregivers and family friends to join The Black Star Project in this movement. Women and men of all ethnicities are also encouraged to "Take a Black Male to Worship Day." Please email or call Mr. Bruce Walker at 773.285.9600 to bring this effort to your city, to receive a complete organizing kit or for guidance concerning this event.  Rev. Otis Moss III Trinity UCC, Chicago, Illinois< /SPAN> Participating faith-based institutions will be listed in our national directory. Dr. Spencer Ellis and First Lady Tracey Ellis Citadel of Praise, Detroit, Michigan The churches listed below are participat ing or have participated in The Black Star Project's "Take a Black Male to Worship" initiative in the past. If your faith institution is not participating, why not?
City Faith organization Faith Leader Bloomfield, Michigan St. Paul Community Christian Church Pastor Venise Robertson< /SPAN> Boston, Massachusetts Columbus Avenue AME Zion Church Rev. Lloyd McKenzie Brooklyn, New York Bridge Street AME Church Pastor David B. Cousin, Sr. Buffalo, New York Zion Missionary Baptist Church Rev. Gregory Brice Calumet Park, Illinois Pioneer Missionary Baptist Church Rev. Dr. Preston R. Winfrey Chattanooga, Tenn. New Hope M.B. Church Pastor Wayne L. Johnson Chicago, Illinois &nbs p;ABBA Church of Renewed Faith Rev. Sharyon Cosey Chicago, Illinois Anointed Heirs Outreach Rev. Edward Anderson Chicago, Illinois By Faith M.B. Church Pastor Bennie McClain Chicago, Illinois Cathedral Missionary Baptist Church Rev. Otis L. Anderson Jr. Chicago, Illinois Cathedral of Love Church Rev. Daniel Allen Chicago, Illinois Christ Lives in Me Ministries Pastor Tyrone Johnson Chicago, Illinois Church of Blessing Rev. E. Jones Sr. Chicago, Illinois Destiny Empowerment Ministries Rev. Cynthia Walker Chicago, Illinois Divine Church Pastor C. E. Watkins Chicago, Illinois First Baptist Church of Chicago Rev. Jesse M. Brown Chicago, Illinois Gifts of God Ministries Church Pastor St. John Chisum Chicago, Illinois God Seed Ministries Pastor Glenn Bone Chicago, Illinois Gospel Temple C.O.G.I.C. Elder Sidney and Gloria Grandberry Chicago, Illinois Greater Omega M.B. Church Pastor Ira M. Wheaton Chicago, Illinois Inspirational Deliverance C.O.G.I.C. Pastor Shirley Hughes Chicago, Illinois King of Glory C.O.G.I.C. Pastor Jeffery Hodges Chicago, Illinois Mandell United Methodist Church Sir Chester W. Jackson Chicago, Illinois Mighty God Tabernacle &n bsp; Bishop Michael Carter Chicago, Illinois New Joy M.B. Church Minister Lynda Gathing Chicago, Illinois New Memorial Missionary Baptist Church Rev. Roosevelt Walker, Jr. Chicago, Illinois New Mission Elder Purkutt Jr. Chicago, Illinois New Pentecostal House of Glory Pastor Lafayette E. Young Chicago, Illinois Old Path C.O.G.I.C. Pastor Charles Benson Chicago, Illinois Original Providence Baptist Church Rev. Beverly Finley-Gardner Chicago, Illinois Pastors of the Englewood Community Apostle Ulyesses Ruff, Sr. Chicago, Illinois People Church of Harvest C.O.G.I.C. Supt. Michael Eaddy Chicago, Illinois Praise Center Ministries Elder Darryl Dyson Chicago, Illinois Quinn chapel AME Church Rev. James M. Moody Chicago, Illinois Refuge C.O.G.I.C. Pastor Phil Brown Chicago, Illinois Resurrection UMC Rev. Dwayne, L. Grant Chicago, Illinois St. Mark Church &nbs p; Rev. Ed Harris Chicago, Illinois Stone Temple Baptist Church Rev. Derrick M. Fitzpatrick Chicago, Illinois Trinity United Church of Christ Rev. Otis Moss, III Chicago, Illinois True Vine of Holiness Missionary Baptist Rev. Dr. Henderson Hill Chicago, Illinois Uptown Baptist Church Pastor Michael Allen Cleveland, Ohio St. James AME Church Minister Steven Sims Columbia, Missouri Bahai Faith of Columbia, Missouri Tyree S. O. Byndom Columbia, Missouri Chosen Generation Ministries Reverend Lorenzo Lawson Columbia, Missouri &nb sp; St. Luke UMC Rev. Raymond Hayes Columbia, Missouri Russell Chapel CME Church Rev. Karen Walker-McClure Detroit, Michigan New Bethel Baptist Church Pastor Robert Smith Detroit, Michigan Citadel of Praise Pastor Spencer T. Ellis Detroit, Michigan Liberty Temple Baptist Church Rev. Dr. Steve Bland, Jr. Detroit, Michigan New Providence Baptist Church Pastor Everett Jennings Detroit, Michigan New Trinity of Galilee M.B. Church ; Rev. Mona Lisa McCaskell Detroit, Michigan The Greater Christ Baptist Church Dr. James C. Perkins Dolton, Illinois Cornerstone Christian Church Pastor Edward Crayton Dolton, Illinois Voice For God Ministries Pastor Jerie Neal Dolton, Illinois Crusaders Outreach Reformation Ministry Rev. Michael Frazier Elgin, Illinois Breeding Saints Global Church Bishop Kendrick Scales Evanston, Illinois Second Baptist Church of Evanston Rev. Mark A. Dennis, Jr. Green Bay, Wisconsin Divine Temple C.O.G.I.C. ;Pastor L.C. Green Harvey, Illinois First Wesley Academy UMC Rev. Charles Woolery Herculaneum, Missouri Buren Chapel AME Church Rev. Karen D. Anderson High Point, N. C. Temple Memorial Baptist Church Rev. Thomas A. Bannister Indianapolis, Indiana Covenant Fellowship M.B. Church Pastor J.P. Smith Kansas City, Kansas Cross Roads Christian Cathedral Pastor P. T. Hood Los Angeles, California Higher Order of Discipline Ministries De'Niece Williams Mansfield, Texas Kyev Tatum Ministries Pastor Kyev Tatum Mooresville, N.C. St. Paul Uni ted Methodist Church Rev. Donald McCoy New Bern, North Carolina Bethel World Prayer Fellowship, Inc. Rev. James Heath New Rochelle, New York Bridge Street AME Church Rev. Valerie E. Cousin New York, New York True Vine Christian Academy Minister Michelle Quick Pompano Beach, Florida Christ Resurrection Community Church Arsheed Z.Baaith Rockford, Illinois Liberty Baptist Church Rev. Herbert Johnson, Jr. Springfield, Illinois Love Deliverance Evangelistic Church Pastor/Founder C.C. Doss Trenton, New Jersey Grant AME Chapel Rev. Vernon R. Byrd, Jr. Esq. and Ms. Contreva Byrd Wilmingto n, Delaware Latter Day Baptist Church Rev. Dr. Wayne S. Miles  Pastor Darryl Dyson Praise Center Ministries, Chicago, Illinois | Calling All Fathers, Stepfathers, Foster Fathers, Grandfathers Uncles, Brothers, Godfathers, Cousins, and other Male Caregivers! Join The Black Star Project's Fathers Club at The Bronzeville Children's Museum | | Come take a tour From Motherland to Chicagoland At the Bronzeville Children's Museum Saturday, June,27 2009 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm 9301 South Stony Island Ave Chicago Ill, 60617 FREE ADMISSION!!! Come out and bring your children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, younger siblings, or other neighborhood children to this and other Fathers Club event! Female caregivers and individuals of all races are welcome to participate. This event is recommended for children ages 3-9 years old. All students must be supervised by a parent or guardian at a ratio of no more than 5 children per adult. Please confirm your attendance to this event at 773.285.9600. For more information on becoming a member of The Black Star Project and its Fathers Club please call Bruce at 773.285.9600 or visit _________________________________________________ By Frank Mathie CHICAGO (WLS) -- Ten years ago a South Side woman named Peggy Montes opened a small museum at 97th and Western. She created the Bronzeville Children's Museum to teach people about the contributions of African-Americans in America. The museum has been so successful it has now moved to a much bigger and better facility. The brand new Bronzeville Children's Museum is now open at 93rd and Stony Island Avenue. Even though there are more than 100 children's museums in the country, it is the only one dedicated to the story of blacks and their journey from Africa to America. "The Bronzeville Children's Museum is the first and only African American Children's museum in the country with the focus of educating all children on the contributions of African Americans and the culture of African Americans," said Peggy Montes, founder of Bronzeville Children's Museum.
This isn't about Christopher Columbus and pilgrims and pioneers. This is about how a black man named Du Sable founded Chicago. And, how descendents of slaves moved from the south to find jobs here. Also, it's about how so many people overcame adversity to end up on the wall of firsts. "It's very important so children will know what African Americans have done here in the city of Chicago and the fact that they were the first ones," said Montes. "There are other different museums out there but this one caters to African American history and not just to African American Children but to all children," said Bria Griffith, museum volunteer. The museum teaches children about two great inventors- Garrett Morgan and Lewis Latimer. "Garrett Morgan was the inventor of the traffic light and Lewis Latimer invented a long lasting filament in the light bulb that we still use today," said Peggy Montes. Bronzeville Children's Museum 9301 S. Stony Island Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60617 773. 721 .9301 | League of Black Parents Meeting Saturday, June 27, 2009, 10:15am-11:45am 3509 S. King Drive, Suite 2B, Chicago, Illinois | | Your attendance is requested at the next League of Black Parents meeting that will take place on Saturday, June 27, 2009, at The Black Star Project office (3509 S. King Drive, Suite 2B) from 10:15 to 11:45am. Join our continuing efforts to stop the violence in Chicago and improve the education of our children. Your input and ideas are needed.
Join the League of Black Parents Across the United States, the educational, social and economic outcomes for most Black children are a catastrophe! In the new global educational and economic order,=2 0many, if not most, Black American children cannot compete. If ever there were reasons for Black parents to take action, few are more compelling than the ones listed below:
 - Nationally, murders of Black males between the ages of 14- and 17-years old rose by 40% between 2000 and 2007. During the same period, murders committed by Black males between the ages of 14- and 17-years old also rose by 38%.
- In 2006, only 37% of Black males graduated from high school in Chicago (near the U.S. average for Black males); only 19% graduated in Indianapolis and 20% in Detroit.
- The average 17-year-old Black child in the United States has the reading and math scores of the average 14- year-old White child.
One out of three Black boys born after 2001 in America will spend time in jail or prison. - An estimated 50% of Black girls between 14- and 19- years-old have contracted a sexually transmitted disease.
- Between 67% to 70% of Black children are born into single-parent, female-headed households.
- In Chicago, only three out of 100 Black boys earn a college degree by age 25.
Black parents are responsible for the well-being of Black children. Not the police. Not teachers. Not schools. Not preachers. Not elected officials. Not social service agencies. Black parents must hold the police, teachers, schools, preachers, elected officials, and social service agencies accountable for their actions to support the well-being of Black We will only solve the problems of Black youth to the degree that we create strong, empowered and engaged parents for Black children. Our actions, or inactions, will determine the future of our race. Please join Black parents across America who know that if we are not organized, our children will not be recognized. If we do not speak up, Black children will have no voice. Black parents must advocate as well as educate. We must take responsibility for the education of our children. We will work in our homes, with our families, with our communities, with our schools and with our government to guarantee the proper and successful education of Black children. Passive parental involvement is not enough. Black parents must become active co-managers of our children's destiny. We must become the engineers of their success. We must and will actively participate in every aspect of their lives. Please join the Black Star Project's League of Black Parents and commit to a 90-minute meeting, one day a month, for the sake of your child and the future of our race. By joining the League of Black Parents, you will also join our community PTA chapter so that we can take advantage of existing resources. Everyone is invited to join. Please contact Lauren at 773.285.9600 for more information or to become a member of the League of Black Parents. Membership is open to parents, educators, clergy, community members and students of all races, ethnicities and faith backgrounds. We want to start chapters in other cities as well. Thank you for being in the vanguard of educating and saving Black children.
| The Black Star Project Is $5,000 from meeting its 2009 pledge goal. We Need Your Help. Please Become a Member Today. | | Dear Friend of Children and their Parents:
The Black Star Project is doing incredible work educating Black children, getting Black parents to participate in the educational and social developmental lives of their children, and revitalizing Black communities. Much of this work is done with little support from government agencies or major foundations. Our latest campaign is helping to "Stop The Violence" that is occurring in Black and Latino communities across America. We are in action, but we need your support if we are to continue doing this important work. Please consider making a contribution to support this work of The Black Star Project. Your membership will help us fulfill a challenge grant that will match your contribution dollar-for-dollar until June 20, 2009. This means that your contribution will have a maximum impact on our work to increase the educational performance and improve the lives of Black children, and all children in American schools. We need only $5,000 to max out on this challenge. If one person gives $5,000, we will meet our goal. If 5 people give $1,000, we will meet our goal. If 10 people give $500.00, we will meet our goal. If 20 people give $250.00, we will meet our goal. If 50 people give $100.00, we will meet our goal. Or if 100 people give $50.00, we will meet our goal. Please send your contribution today. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated, and we will share information regularly about our progress and the programs that your membership supports. Membership benefits include: - Updated information on eliminating the racial academic achievement gap
- Invitations to Black Star events
- With a donation of $50 or more, we will send you a free "Educate or Die" wristband and comic book!
- With a donation of at least $100, we will send you a free "Educate or Die" wristband, comic book and a t-shirt or DVD!
You may specify shirts in Gold with Black, Black with Gold or Red, Black and Green. For more information about the benefits of membership, please click HERE. You can become a member online by donating through Just click HERE for our donation page. You can also mail your contribution to the address below:
The Black Star Project Membership Drive 3509 S. King Dr., Suite 2B Chicago, IL 60653
If you have any questions, please contact Jami Garton at 773.285.9600.
The work to save the children in the Black community is plentiful, but the laborers, those who are willing to invest in saving the children in the Black community, they are few. Please become one of the laborers by becoming a dues paying member of The Black Star Project.
Thank you again for your support!
May you realize your best,
Phillip Jackson Executive Director The Black Star Project |