As requested Fred, here's the latest news for you from See how we've changed our Ratings icons in an effort to help you avoid purchasing a faulty or dangerous product. Find out which refrigerators, dishwashers, ranges and other kitchen appliances took top honors in our recent tests. Discover which 2 men's and 3 women's athletic shoes were top-rated. Learn which dishwashing detergents best cleaned those greasy, grimy pots and pans. Plus, get our recommendations for the best at-home tooth whitening system. This August, we'll feature these reports and much more! | |
 |  | When Not to Buy It  |
 |  | The expert advice and Ratings in Consumer Reports are designed to make it easier for you to choose the best and safest products. So we've changed some of our Ratings icons to make it even more clear as to which models you should avoid purchasing. Learn more when you click here. |
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 |  | Top Kitchen Appliances  |
 |  | Looking to update your kitchen without spending a fortune? Then make sure to consult us first. Click here to see the best in our tests of 400 ranges, refrigerators, dishwashers, microwaves and more. |
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 |  | Athletic Shoes: Fixate on Fit  |
 |  | With the summer weather still here, now's the time to replace your worn out athletic shoes. Let us help you find the right fit -- whether you're running, walking or playing court sports. Our experts tested 10 men's and 10 women's shoes. Click here to see which earned top-rated status. |
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 |  | Dishwasher Detergent Ratings  |
 |  | Tired of stubborn stains on your dishes? Sick of having to wash your pots and pans straight out of a cycle? Learn which 4 dishwashing detergents (including 1 phosphate-free brand) were top-performing in our latest tests when you click here. |
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 |  | Best Tooth Whiteners  |
 |  | We all want whiter teeth...but which at-home product really gets those chompers looking pearly white? Discover which 1 brand (out of 8 tested) was rated the best when you click here. |
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 |  | Yes, Consumer Reports is now streaming on Twitter. Get updates on today's top consumer news stories; see what's happening in our Test Labs; and join the conversation when you click here. |
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