Dear Friends,
Earlier this week, David Miller proposed increasing penalties to $10,000 in fines against elected officials and supervisors who force their state employees to do political work on state government time.
Our opponent, former Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka, was investigated for having her state employees perform her campaign work on the taxpayers' dime.
Her 2006 gubernatorial campaign also accrued over $30,000 in fines and penalties from the Illinois State Board of Elections. Topinka recently called former Governor George Ryan's crimes, which included the use of state employees for political work, "penny ante."
Illinois taxpayers have been ripped off too many times by politicians who profit by making their employees do campaign work on state time. Its critical for every statewide constitutional officer to help restore public trust in state government – a trust that's been broken by the politics of the past. We need to move forward.
The Quad Cities Times wrote a great article on David's proposal:
Comptroller candidate wants tougher penalties The Democratic candidate for comptroller wants to boost fines against elected officials and supervisors who force state workers to do political work on government time.
State Rep. David Miller, D-Dolton, said taxpayers have been "ripped off" by candidates who make it a practice of using their employees do campaign work. He said the fines barring the practice should be increased by $10,000.
If you believe that Illinois cannot afford more of the same - if you are tired of the politics of the past - we need your support.
Please contribute $10 or $25 to our campaign right now, so we can get our message out to voters across the state.

Thank you for standing with me in the final weeks of this important election,
- Sean Tenner
Campaign Manager
Citizens for David Miller
P.S. Please stand with us during these final weeks - join our campaign on Facebook and Twitter.