Links: The Black Star Project's website:
Black Star Jounral:
| | | Why Education Inequality Persists - And How To Fix It By Dr. Pedro Noguera and Dr. John H. Jackson Wednesday, May 16, 2012 If it takes a village to raise a child, the same village must share accountability when many children are educationally abandoned. In New York City, the nation's largest school system, on average student outcomes and their opportunity to learn are more determined by the neighborhood where a child lives, than his or her abilities. A new Schott Foundation for Public Education report, "A Rotting Apple: Education Redlining in New York City," reveals that the communities where most of the city's poor, black and Hispanic students live suffer from New York policies and practices that give their schools the fewest resources and their students the least experienced teachers. In contrast, the best-funded schools with the highest percentage of experienced teachers are most often located in the most economically advantaged neighborhoods. Schott's new report documents gaps that have not only long been accepted in New York City but are also institutionalized by city and state policies. |
The Men From Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Honor The Black Star Project for the Third Consecutive Year as their Omega Psi Phi's Tenth District African American Life and History recipient in Merriville, Indiana The Black Star Project and the Children of America Thank the Men of Omega Psi Phi. The Tenth District includes, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Click Here to learn more about Omega Psi Phi Talented Tenth District |
Greater Bethesda Baptist Church to Run Two FREE Saturday Universities in Chicago (one for youth and one for adults) Greater Bethesda Baptist Church located at 5301 South Michigan Avenue in Chicago, Illinois will run two different Saturday University classes starting May 19, 2012, from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. Greater Bethesda will sponsor our first adult Saturday University, which will include G.E.D. classes, while continuing their outstanding youth Saturday University. Adults who need additional educational skills and parents who want academic support for their children should call 773.285.9600 to register for Saturday University or for more information. |
Forty Worst Cities in America for Black Men Not Working; No National and Few Local Plans to Change This Modern American Catastrophe Percentage of employed, working-age (16-64) black males in these cities: - Detroit 43.0
- Buffalo 43.9
- Milwaukee 44.7
- Cleveland 47.7
- Chicago 48.3
- St. Louis 51.3
- Philadelphia 51.7
- Phoneix 52.0
- Cincinnati 52.6
- Indianapolis 52.6
- Richmond 52.7
- Memphis 53.2
- Hartford 53.3
- San Francisco 53.3
- Pittsburgh 53.3
- Miami 53.4
- New Orleans 53.5
- Omaha 53.8
- Oakland 53.8
- Las Vegas 54.2
- Birmingham 54.3
- Newark 54.5
- Columbus 54.7
- Jacksonville 54.8
- Los Angeles 54.8
- Kansas City 55.1
- Seattle 56.3
- Charlotte 56.5
- San Diego 57.1
- New York City 57.4
- Portland 57.4
- Baltimore 57.5
- Houston 58.3
- Nashville 58.3
- Denver 58.8
- Atlanta 59.0
- Minneapolis 59.3
- Boston 59.7
- Dallas 61.0
- Washington, D.C. 66.6
Information from Race and Male Employment in the Wake of the Great Recession by Marc Levine of the Center for Economic Development at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Massive unemployment among Black men and youth drives violence and murders, contributes to broken family structures, indirectly discourages educational achievement, and causes chaos and disfunctionality in the Black community. The Black Star Plan for Black Men and Boys would include mentoring, educational support, job training, job connection, entrepreneurship, fathering support, strengthening families, spiritual development and community building. ## Listen to the pleas of an educated Black man crying out for a job. Click Here to Read About $100 Million Plan for Black Men Please call the Mayor's Office of Chicago at 312.744.3300 and ask him to support the Black Star Plan for Black Men and Boys or call the Mayor of any of the Top Forty Cities in America for Black Men Not Working. |
Dance highlights mother-son bond  May 12, 2012 (CHICAGO_ (WLS) -- In honor of Mother's Day, a group of young men rolled out the red carpet for some very special ladies. It was all a part of the Black Star Project's first annual Mother-Son Dance. The boys tapped into their inner gentlemen and served lunch to the mothers in attendance and received a chorus of applause when they presented each lady with a single red rose. Organizers say the event was held to highlight the importance of the mother-son bond. Call 773.285.9600 for information on creating a Mother/Son Dance in your city. |
State Senator Jacqueline Collins Seeks to Help Students in the 16th Legislative District of Illinois Apply for an Illinois General Assembly Scholarship to a State University or College.  | Illinois State Senator Jacqueline Y. Collins (center) |
If you are a college eligible student who lives in the 16th Legislative District of Illinois, this is an opportunity for you to receive a state scholarship. Click Here to see if you reside in the 16th Legislative District of Illinois. Click Here for an application for a scholarship if you live in the 16th Legislative District.of Illinois. |
AustinTalks The Black Star Project calls for $100 million plan to get African-American males back to work by AustinTalks on May 15, 2012 In response to a University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee report stating nearly 52 percent of black men in Chicago are unemployed, The Black Star Project last week demanded a $100 million plan to improve social outcomes for African-American men in Chicago. The report by Marc V. Levine, Race and Male Employment in the Wake of the Great Recession, which uses 2010 census data, examines employment of males ages 16 to 64 in major metro areas throughout the country, among other findings. It shows Chicago ranks fourth in having the greatest decline from 72.1 percent employed African-American men in 1970 to 48.3 percent in 2010, following Milwaukee, Detroit and Cleveland. "Massive unemployment among Black men and youth drives violence and murders, contributes to broken family structures, indirectly discourages educational achievement, and causes chaos and disfunctionality in Chicago communities. The Chicago Plan for Black Men and Boys would include mentoring, educational support, job training, job connection, entrepreneurship, fathering support, strengthening families, spiritual development and community building," according The Black Star Project press release. | | | |