Fred -- It's been a quite a week. In the fallout of a historic election, we're looking at reactions from conservative media figures. Some are completely changing their tune, others are remaining inside their bubble. And that's not to mention the stunning story of Fox's sexism on election night. John Whitehouse Twitter: @existentialfish Jennifer Rubin Comes Clean
 Jennifer Rubin's Washington Post platform is well-known for just blatantly pushing Mitt Romney spin. Simon Maloy notes that after Romney lost, Rubin presented a completely different version of events that contradicted what she wrote during the campaign. Read those contradictions here: Inside Fox News On Election Night
New York magazine's Gabriel Sherman had an insider report on Fox News' Ohio call, describing Karl Rove's fight to stop the network's from declaring that President Obama won Ohio. Sherman also reported that Fox had Megyn Kelly walk on camera back to the room where the calls were made because the network wanted to "show off" her legs. Read more about election night at Fox News here: We're Still Waiting On That Landslide, Dick Morris  Dick Morris' analysis was a punchline even before the election results were in. And after he got everything wrong on election night, he became the archetype of the Fox News bubble. We've compiled 12 of Morris' worst election predictions, all built on his terrible analysis. Will Fox hold him accountable for these awful predictions, or will they keep him around to say what they want to hear? Has The Right Wing Reached Peak Fantasy?
Even beyond Dick Morris, right-wing figures like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck were certain Mitt Romney was going win. They relied on pundits they respect - Karl Rove, George Will, Michael Barone, and more, all of whom predicted a Romney landslide, before election night burst their bubbles. Eric Boehlert explores how the politics of hate and derangement led to this:
| FEATURED VIDEO Rush Limbaugh had dedicated four years of his life to hoping that President Obama would fail. Now, in the midst of an economic recovery and with President Obama reelected, Limbaugh admitted he was "puzzled" and lamented: "We're outnumbered ... we've lost the country" KARL ROVE BEGS YOU TO IGNORE KARL ROVE
The Wall Street Journal gave American Crossroads founder Karl Rove a platform this election (and initially did not even disclose that role). In his first column after the election, Rove discusses what worked for the Obama campaign. Not surprisingly, it's exactly what Rove said in previous columns would not work.
WE NEED YOUR HELP As a nonprofit tasked with correcting conservative misinformation in the media, we've got a big job to do - and we can't do it without you. So it shouldn't surprise you that we ask for help now and then. If you can, contribute $5 to fund our work: IMAGE OF THE WEEK  Karl Rove Protests Fox News Calling The Election For Barack Obama