In wake of black teen Trayvon Martin's death, USA is soul-searching –
Everyone should be out in the streets marching. If it were your child, what would you be doing? Thomas Jefferson stated "Experience hath shown, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operation, perverted it into tyranny." Henry David Thoreau, an American Libertarian writer, stated "Whatever the human law may be, neither an individual nor a nation can commit the least act of injustice against the obscurest individual without having to pay the penalty for it." Ralph Waldo Emerson, an American poet, stated "Truth is the summit of being; justice is the application of it to affairs." Ralph M. LaFollette, American political & reform leader, stated "Let no man think that we can deny civil liberty to others and retain it for ourselves...." Clarence Darrow, an American lawyer, stated "As long as the world shall last there will be wrongs, and if no man objected and no man rebelled, those wrongs would last forever." Finally, Louis D. Brandeis, U.S. Supreme Court Justice, stated "Crime is contagious. If the government becomes the lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for the law." If you do not take a stand, you will fall for anything. Where do you stand? Are you scared to stand up?
C.L.I.C.K. for Justice and Equality is an agent of communication alerting our social community of injustices and inequalities among the socially disadvantaged and disenfranchised individual. C.L.I.C.K. developed and created this website to assist the socially disenfranchised or disadvantaged individual in litigating their issues in Federal and State courts.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
CJ/MH Consensus Project: Congressional Staff Briefed on Law Enforcement Responses to People with Mental Illnesses
March 2012 newsletter
Congressional Staff Briefed on Law Enforcement Responses to People with Mental Illnesses
Washington, D.C. — Law enforcement officials, judicial leaders, and behavioral health experts came together on March 6 to brief Congressional staff on the Mentally Ill Offender Treatment and Crime Reduction Act (MIOTCRA) and the collaborative criminal justice-mental health programs that it supports. Dr. Fred Osherof the Council of State Governments Justice Center, Chief J. Thomas Manger of the Montgomery County (MD) Department of Police, Inspector Bryan Schafer of the Minneapolis (MN) Police Department, and Judge Steven Leifman of Miami-Dade County Court spoke to key stakeholders and staff from numerous congressional offices, representing members of both parties.As some of the nation's foremost experts on implementing collaborative criminal justice-mental health programs, the panelists each shared their perspectives and/or experiences. Their testimonies underscored the fact that programs supported by MIOTCRA and similar grant initiatives are contributing in significant ways towards ending the cycles of arrest and incarceration for people with mental illnesses.
To continue reading, click here.
New JMHCP Grantees Convene for Orientation and Training
On March 8-9, the Council of State Governments Justice Center, in conjunction with the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), U.S. Department of Justice, hosted the fourth annual orientation event for new Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP) grantees in Washington, D.C. During the event, FY 2011 grantees learned about keys to success in developing successful criminal justice/mental health collaborations, as well as the requirements of the grant program.
U.S. Senator Al Franken welcomed the grantees via a videotaped message (see below), in which he stressed the importance of interagency collaboration to respond to people with mental illnesses in the justice system and the diversity and strengths of the FY 2011 JMHCP grantees.
To continue reading and to view Senator Franken's opening remarks, click here.
Sen. Franken Expresses Support for MIOTCRA and Specialized Police-Based Responses
Washington, D.C. — On February 15, Senator Al Franken (D-MN) expressed support for the Mentally Ill Offender Treatment and Crime Reduction Act (MIOTCRA), the legislation that authorizes the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program, during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on federal funding for bulletproof vests. Senator Franken probed the topic of using specialized police-based responses for people with mental illnesses in the criminal justice system.
To continue reading and to view video from the hearing, click here.
Apply to Participate in Sequential Intercept Mapping Workshop by SAMHSA'S GAINS Center
SAMHSA's GAINS Center for Behavioral Health and Justice Transformation, operated by Policy Research Associates, Inc. (PRA), is soliciting applications from communities interested in sequential intercept mapping workshops.
The target audiences for this workshop are criminal justice system, mental health, and substance abuse professionals; consumer representatives; community support services representatives; cultural organizations; elected officials; and other key stakeholders.
To download the Sequential Intercept Mapping solicitation, click here. To learn more about the training, click here.
The GAINS Center will offer these trainings free of charge to up to six selected communities between May 2012 and September 2012. Since the purpose of this training initiative is to offer targeted technical assistance and training to prepared communities in the field, there are no fees for registration, tuition, or materials associated with these trainings.
Applications are due no later than April 6, 2012.
Apply to Participate in Trauma-Informed Training by SAMHSA'S GAINS Center
SAMHSA's GAINS Center for Behavioral Health and Justice Transformation, operated by Policy Research Associates, Inc. (PRA), is soliciting applications from communities interested in its How Being Trauma-Informed Improves Criminal Justice System Responses training.
The target audiences for this training are community-based criminal justice system professionals - including police, community corrections (probation, parole, and pre-trial services officers), and court personnel - and human service providers. The training is being offered in two formats: a training delivery and a training of trainers.
To download the How Being Trauma-Informed Improves Criminal Justice System Responses training delivery/training of trainers solicitation, click here. To learn more about the training, click here. Training will be offered free of charge to up to six selected communities between May 2012 and September 2012. Since the purpose of this training initiative is to offer targeted technical assistance and training to prepared communities in the field, there are no fees for registration, tuition, or materials associated with these trainings.
Applications are due no later than April 6, 2012.
Ohio Supreme Court Justice Evelyn Stratton and Attorney General Mike DeWine Co-Chair Expanded Task Force on Criminal Justice and Mental Illness
On November 16, 2011, Ohio Supreme Court Justice Evelyn Lundberg Stratton and Attorney General Mike DeWine announced that the Advisory Committee on Mental Illness and the Courts (ACMIC) would evolve into the Attorney General's Task Force on Criminal Justice and Mental Illness, allowing the group to expand into areas beyond the court system. The new task force is being co-chaired by Justice Stratton and Attorney General DeWine, and had its first meeting Dec. 12, 2011 at the Ohio Supreme Court.
To continue reading, click here.
Articles from newspapers around the country covering issues at the intersection of mental health and criminal justice can be found on the Consensus Project website. Some recent headlines are posted below.
The Altoona Mirror (PA) — County could add specialty courts
3/18/12 — "A state report released late last year shows that number of specialty courts in Blair County is second only to Philadelphia County's 11 courts."
Winston-Salem Journal (NC) — Forsyth County begins mental-health court to help defendants get treatment
3/14/12 — "On Wednesday, Forsyth County held its first mental-health court session, designed to get treatment for mentally ill people caught up in the criminal justice system."
Gainesville Times (GA) — The Local Agenda: Enotah Circuit begins mental health clinic
3/13/12 — "A new program aimed to get mentally ill nonviolent offenders treatment rather than just jail time is getting under way in the Enotah Judicial Circuit."
The Salt Lake Tribune (UT) — Salt Lake County launches mobile units to help with mental health emergencies
3/13/12 — "For the first time, Salt Lake County residents will have somewhere to turn besides an emergency room or 911 when they or their loved ones are psychotic, having a panic attack or considering suicide."
The Gadsden Times (AL) — First steps taken toward Tuscaloosa County mental health court
3/10/12 — "Indian Rivers Mental Health Center soon will hire a therapist and a case manager to evaluate Tuscaloosa County Jail inmates and determine the correct course of action for offenders with mental illnesses."
The Andalusia Star-News (AL) — Mental health: Working on logistics
3/9/12 — "State mental health officials on Thursday said they are working on the logistics of treating those needing significant mental health treatment once most of the state's mental hospitals are closed."
Michigan Live (MI) — Gov. Rick Snyder's proposal will add funding for mental health court, treatment in Saginaw
3/7/12 — "Gov. Rick Snyder's public safety announcement in Flint today included plans to create a mental health court in Saginaw that will aim to fight recidivism by getting people with mental illness the help they need rather than locking them up."
Post Crescent (WI) — Outagamie County to expand court treatment programming
3/5/12 — "Programs dealing with the root causes of crime rather than simply punishing criminal behavior represent a growing trend in courts across the country. Outagamie County is no exception."
Juneau Empire (AK) — Pilot-project mental health court set to to come to Juneau
3/2/12 — "Beginning in April, people with mental health issues who are charged with a city misdemeanor will have a new option available to them instead of just a lock and key and time behind bars."
The News-Sentinel (IN) — Crisis Intervention Team's training teaches principles of mental health response
2/22/12 — "On Tuesday, Fort Wayne Police Department Sgt. Scott Berning was teaching members of law enforcement new ways of approaching people suffering from 'excited delirium syndrome.'"
The Spectrum (UT) — Road to rehabilitation: Mental health court celebrates first anniversary
2/19/12 — "A court program designed to help people driven to criminal behavior by uncontrolled mental illnesses celebrated its first anniversary recently in Washington County, with a dozen select participants working toward rehabilitation."
New JMHCP Grantees Convene for Orientation and Training
On March 8-9, the Council of State Governments Justice Center, in conjunction with the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), U.S. Department of Justice, hosted the fourth annual orientation event for new Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP) grantees in Washington, D.C. During the event, FY 2011 grantees learned about keys to success in developing successful criminal justice/mental health collaborations, as well as the requirements of the grant program.
Sen. Franken Expresses Support for MIOTCRA and Specialized Police-Based Responses
Washington, D.C. — On February 15, Senator Al Franken (D-MN) expressed support for the Mentally Ill Offender Treatment and Crime Reduction Act (MIOTCRA), the legislation that authorizes the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program, during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on federal funding for bulletproof vests. Senator Franken probed the topic of using specialized police-based responses for people with mental illnesses in the criminal justice system.
Apply to Participate in Sequential Intercept Mapping Workshop by SAMHSA'S GAINS Center
SAMHSA's GAINS Center for Behavioral Health and Justice Transformation, operated by Policy Research Associates, Inc. (PRA), is soliciting applications from communities interested in sequential intercept mapping workshops.
The target audiences for this workshop are criminal justice system, mental health, and substance abuse professionals; consumer representatives; community support services representatives; cultural organizations; elected officials; and other key stakeholders.
To download the Sequential Intercept Mapping solicitation, click here. To learn more about the training, click here.
The GAINS Center will offer these trainings free of charge to up to six selected communities between May 2012 and September 2012. Since the purpose of this training initiative is to offer targeted technical assistance and training to prepared communities in the field, there are no fees for registration, tuition, or materials associated with these trainings.
Applications are due no later than April 6, 2012.
Apply to Participate in Trauma-Informed Training by SAMHSA'S GAINS Center
SAMHSA's GAINS Center for Behavioral Health and Justice Transformation, operated by Policy Research Associates, Inc. (PRA), is soliciting applications from communities interested in its How Being Trauma-Informed Improves Criminal Justice System Responses training.
The target audiences for this training are community-based criminal justice system professionals - including police, community corrections (probation, parole, and pre-trial services officers), and court personnel - and human service providers. The training is being offered in two formats: a training delivery and a training of trainers.
To download the How Being Trauma-Informed Improves Criminal Justice System Responses training delivery/training of trainers solicitation, click here. To learn more about the training, click here. Training will be offered free of charge to up to six selected communities between May 2012 and September 2012. Since the purpose of this training initiative is to offer targeted technical assistance and training to prepared communities in the field, there are no fees for registration, tuition, or materials associated with these trainings.
Applications are due no later than April 6, 2012.
Ohio Supreme Court Justice Evelyn Stratton and Attorney General Mike DeWine Co-Chair Expanded Task Force on Criminal Justice and Mental Illness
On November 16, 2011, Ohio Supreme Court Justice Evelyn Lundberg Stratton and Attorney General Mike DeWine announced that the Advisory Committee on Mental Illness and the Courts (ACMIC) would evolve into the Attorney General's Task Force on Criminal Justice and Mental Illness, allowing the group to expand into areas beyond the court system. The new task force is being co-chaired by Justice Stratton and Attorney General DeWine, and had its first meeting Dec. 12, 2011 at the Ohio Supreme Court.
The Altoona Mirror (PA) — County could add specialty courts
3/18/12 — "A state report released late last year shows that number of specialty courts in Blair County is second only to Philadelphia County's 11 courts."
Winston-Salem Journal (NC) — Forsyth County begins mental-health court to help defendants get treatment
3/14/12 — "On Wednesday, Forsyth County held its first mental-health court session, designed to get treatment for mentally ill people caught up in the criminal justice system."
Gainesville Times (GA) — The Local Agenda: Enotah Circuit begins mental health clinic
3/13/12 — "A new program aimed to get mentally ill nonviolent offenders treatment rather than just jail time is getting under way in the Enotah Judicial Circuit."
The Salt Lake Tribune (UT) — Salt Lake County launches mobile units to help with mental health emergencies
3/13/12 — "For the first time, Salt Lake County residents will have somewhere to turn besides an emergency room or 911 when they or their loved ones are psychotic, having a panic attack or considering suicide."
The Gadsden Times (AL) — First steps taken toward Tuscaloosa County mental health court
3/10/12 — "Indian Rivers Mental Health Center soon will hire a therapist and a case manager to evaluate Tuscaloosa County Jail inmates and determine the correct course of action for offenders with mental illnesses."
The Andalusia Star-News (AL) — Mental health: Working on logistics
3/9/12 — "State mental health officials on Thursday said they are working on the logistics of treating those needing significant mental health treatment once most of the state's mental hospitals are closed."
Michigan Live (MI) — Gov. Rick Snyder's proposal will add funding for mental health court, treatment in Saginaw
3/7/12 — "Gov. Rick Snyder's public safety announcement in Flint today included plans to create a mental health court in Saginaw that will aim to fight recidivism by getting people with mental illness the help they need rather than locking them up."
Post Crescent (WI) — Outagamie County to expand court treatment programming
3/5/12 — "Programs dealing with the root causes of crime rather than simply punishing criminal behavior represent a growing trend in courts across the country. Outagamie County is no exception."
Juneau Empire (AK) — Pilot-project mental health court set to to come to Juneau
3/2/12 — "Beginning in April, people with mental health issues who are charged with a city misdemeanor will have a new option available to them instead of just a lock and key and time behind bars."
The News-Sentinel (IN) — Crisis Intervention Team's training teaches principles of mental health response
2/22/12 — "On Tuesday, Fort Wayne Police Department Sgt. Scott Berning was teaching members of law enforcement new ways of approaching people suffering from 'excited delirium syndrome.'"
The Spectrum (UT) — Road to rehabilitation: Mental health court celebrates first anniversary
2/19/12 — "A court program designed to help people driven to criminal behavior by uncontrolled mental illnesses celebrated its first anniversary recently in Washington County, with a dozen select participants working toward rehabilitation."
Congressional Staff Briefed on Law Enforcement Responses to People with Mental Illnesses
Washington, D.C. — Law enforcement officials, judicial leaders, and behavioral health experts came together on March 6 to brief Congressional staff on the Mentally Ill Offender Treatment and Crime Reduction Act (MIOTCRA) and the collaborative criminal justice-mental health programs that it supports. Dr. Fred Osherof the Council of State Governments Justice Center, Chief J. Thomas Manger of the Montgomery County (MD) Department of Police, Inspector Bryan Schafer of the Minneapolis (MN) Police Department, and Judge Steven Leifman of Miami-Dade County Court spoke to key stakeholders and staff from numerous congressional offices, representing members of both parties.
As some of the nation's foremost experts on implementing collaborative criminal justice-mental health programs, the panelists each shared their perspectives and/or experiences. Their testimonies underscored the fact that programs supported by MIOTCRA and similar grant initiatives are contributing in significant ways towards ending the cycles of arrest and incarceration for people with mental illnesses.

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Top Stories | Wednesday, March 21, 2012 |
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Illinois primary gives Romney 41 delegates Romney: Illinois win an 'extraordinary victory' U.S. Rep. Jackson wins in remapped 2nd District Democrat Brad Schneider wins in 10th Congressional District Duckworth wins in 8th Congressional District
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