PUBLISHER'S PEACE Race in America The discussion on race must be one that's proactive, not reactive. Tension and emotions are too volatile for dialogue after certain incidents. Just look at the beer summit, the CNN produced program Black's and Latino's in America and, recently, the Shirley Sherrod debacle. Each time pundits, talking heads or civil rights groups express that "these are teachable moments', but they are not! While emotions are raging and everybody is feeling like they are under's not the right time to have discussions. The right time is when each side quietly communicates and arranges closed door meetings to discuss the pros and cons of living as one America vs. living separate and unequal. The press must be brought in to report ACCURATELY the viewpoints and disagreements discussed. Plus, all sides must reaffirm to the American people how we all have a stake in building one world and profiting from the labor and education of every American. Most importantly, because racism was instituted by the ancestors of White Americans, Whites must denounce all acts of prejudice and bigotry when it's apparent and overt. The present generation of Whites, Blacks and others are not familiar with the traditionally racist ways of our forefathers. Today, we share common bonds through music, pop culture and lifestyles that allow us to live, work and play side - by - side. These similarities are what keep this generation from engaging in unruly and unprovoked screams of bigotry and offensive name-calling. This generation of Blacks, Whites and others has moved steps ahead of our so-called, civil rights leaders who seem to want us to remain separated and confused. Let's take advantage of our common bonds and proactively sit down for a productive discussion about race. The race debate needs to be aired out, but not in a public forum consisting of shouting matches, name calling and divisive innuendos. That will only bring the next generation of potential leaders farther apart on an issue that should be bringing us closer. Peace One love. 
| Rep. Charlie Rangel looks like a guilty politician | | Toni Braxton happy to be back | | Barack was received well by the ladies on The View | | The Next Generation of Religion Religion has been a part of civilization since the creation of earth, the sun, the stars, the moon and every living body in existence. It's time that churches rearrange their priorities and embark on a new way of delivering the word, attracting members and accomplishing serious community outreach. The old way is just not working. Pastors must decide if they just want a larger church or if they want to develop and build larger communities of caring, respectable people who love and honor the Lord. The people in the community must be fed more than just the word of the day and continue donating to an institution that not's giving them anything tangible in return. People give tangibles to the church in the form of dollars, why shouldn't they receive the tangibles that can add value to their lives and the lives of their children. The days of telling people to ONLY be concerned with the afterlife and don't concern yourself with worldly things is old and outdated. The church must insist its followers focus on building wealth and obtaining power to positively & productively influence the communities. This must be the message! A shining beacon of light bringing faith and love back to young people is Pastor Phil Jackson, who serves as Pastor of The House Covenant Church and associate pastor of Lawndale Community Church. The House is one of Chicago's first youth and young adult hip-hop churches. Through The House, Phil engages 500-600 young adults by infusing the gospel of Jesus Christ with hip-hop culture, creating a culturally-relevant, biblically-accurate hip-hop, worship experience. With nearly two decades of urban youth ministry, Pastor Jackson trains and consults with youth leaders and youth pastors in communities across the country through his ministry Bringn' Dafunk Communications, Inc. Pastor Phil founded Bringn' Dafunk ministry to change the way the gospel is communicated to youth. Jackson is currently pursuing master's degrees in theology and business at Northpark Seminary. Revival Tabernacle Church has been spreading the Word of Life under the dynamic leadership of Pastor Alvin C. Richards and his wife, Pastor India D. Richards. Revival Tabernacle Church has become one on the fastest growing church in Englewood. Pastor Richards explains his philosophy: "We believe that growth is predicated upon the anointing, that which destroys the yoke and removes burdens. We are totally dedicated to bringing God's transforming power to the whole person, especially the youth", says Richards. "Everything we say, touch and do is aimed at reaching people. Whether you are a plumber, preacher, bus boy, business person, waiter, waitress, carpenter, clerk, housewife or handy man, RT is the place for you. The Word of God is for anyone who will receive it. The precious truths will transcend time and culture, bringing you into a presence of the invisible God. We hope and pray you will discover God's Spiritual Truths, which will unlock His transforming power into your life. You will never be the same, ever again. Your faith will be revived, your family will be restored and your future will be revealed", expresses Pastor Al. If you live in Chicago, you are familiar with Trinity United Church of Christ with Rev. Otis Moss, III serving as Pastor. Prior to joining Trinity UCC, Rev. Moss served as pastor of the historic Tabernacle Baptist Church in Augusta, Georgia. Rev. Moss received his BA in Religion and Philosophy from Morehouse College, did graduate work at Yale University studying Divinity, Ethics and Theology (where he was one of the few African-American to ever receive Yales' prestigious Magee Fellowship). And he was awarded the FTE Benjamin Elijah Mays Scholarship in Religion. Rev. Moss has done extensive research of African-American culture, theology and youth development. Four-G published Moss' first book, Redemption in a Red Light District. As a result of his commitment to intergenerational ministry and prophetic preaching, Rev. Moss has had the honor of speaking at Hampton University Ministers and Musicians Conference on three occasions. Ministers and Musicians' conference is the largest African-American ecumenical conference in the nation and Moss is the youngest lecturer ever to present. He created the Issachar Movement, a consulting group designed to bridge the generation gap within churches and train a new generation of prophetic church leadership. Correspondent: MG Media | Rev. Otis Moss III | | Pastor Phil Jackson | | Pastor Alvin C. Ricards | | Donovan McNabb SPORTS REPORT One More Chance for Donovan The National Football League is preparing to kick-off another exciting season of hard hits, spectacular plays, injuries and game-changing moments. People's love and appetite for such a barbaric sport is mid-blowing! Football's the only sport that can redirect your life's dreams in one play, yet it's played on every playground and vacant lot available. A man who's had his shares of bumps and bruises will begin his 12th season as a legitimate "baller", and only one thing is missing from Donovan McNabb's amazing career is a Super Bowl ring. He's played in countless Pro Bowls, made tons of money given his family a life they could've never imagined. Plus, each Sunday, he's been in the huddle with great men lined up in hopes of winning the Lombardi trophy. Donovan was traded to the Washington Redskins during the off-season, after spending his entire career with Coach Andy Reed and the Philadelphia Eagles. But, after reaching the Super Bowl on two occasions, and coming up short both times, the decision was made to start anew. Donovan appears to be excited about playing for the Redskins and he's committed to taking this team farther than they've been in over a decade. With one of the league's most durable and fierce competitors behind the center position, Donovan is equipped to lead! Donovan knows his glory days are coming to an end, and if he doesn't win a championship the next few years as captain and quarterback of the Redskins, it might be time to consider playing the back up and collecting fat checks. And no one would fault him, because no one can compare their accomplishments to what he's done in his legendary career as a family man, father, son and great team mate. Correspondent: MG Media

| CEO, MG Media: C. Dwayne West, Editor: Kimberly J. Brown Associate Editor: Hope Miles Business Development: Karen Black, Kenneth Robinson, Tara Stamps, Justice Stamps Contributing Correspondents: Scott Steward, K.O.W., Afrika. Marketing/PR: MG Media, Miles Media Marketing, Atwintoo Production, We Break Bread Additional Contributors: TRUTH 4 Literacy after school mentor program, Marion Stamps Youth Foundation, Hip Hip Against H.I.V. awareness & prevention campaign, Russell Barnes, Louis Byrd, Charisse Linder, Hiltron Bailey, Nolen James @ 2010 MG Media is the parent company of and no works of words or images may be reproduced without the written consent of CEO of MG Media - 312.980.2681 Note from editor, Kimberly Jean Brown Today is my first edition editing, and I agreed to get involved in this new media outlet because I believe in the mission of its founder to build a brand legacy. I'm the Legacy Attorney at Protecting Legacies LLC. and this is what I help my clients do; proactively design and protect their legacies, create and preserve generational wealth using estate planning & asset protection to preserve their wisdom, so loved ones grow from life lessons. My company helps protect and provide for client's children in case of parents unexpected absence. We design strategies enabling clients to make charitable contributions, transfer wealth to loved ones, and realize immediate tax savings. To learn more about Kim, visit or subscribe to my e-newsletter. Attorney Advertisement
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