C.L.I.C.K. for Justice and Equality is an agent of communication alerting our social community of injustices and inequalities among the socially disadvantaged and disenfranchised individual. C.L.I.C.K. developed and created this website to assist the socially disenfranchised or disadvantaged individual in litigating their issues in Federal and State courts.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

2010 Census Cautions and Chgo Property Tax relief prgm info


2010 Census to Begin

WARNING: 2010 Census Cautions from the Better Business Bureau

Be Cautious About Giving Info to Census Workers by Susan Johnson

With the U.S. Census process beginning, the Better Business Bureau 
(BBB) advises people to be cooperative, but cautious, so as not to become a victim of fraud or identity theft. The first phase of the 2010 U.S. Census is under way as workers have begun verifying the addresses of households across the country. Eventually, more than 140,000 U.S. Census workers will count every person in the United States and will gather information about every person living at each address including name, age, gender, race, and other relevant data.

The big question is - how do you tell the difference between a U.S. Census worker and a con artist? BBB offers the following advice:

** If a U.S. Census worker knocks on your door, they will have a badge, a handheld device,

a Census Bureau canvas bag, and a confidentiality notice.

Ask to see their identification and their badge before answering their questions. 

However, you should never invite anyone you don't know into your home.

** Census workers are currently only knocking on doors to verify address information. 

DO NOT give your Social Security number, credit card or banking information to anyone,

even if they claim they need it for the U.S.  Census.


While the Census Bureau might ask for basic financial information,

such as a salary range,


The Census Bureau will not ask for Social Security, bank account, or credit card numbers, nor will employees solicit donations. 

Any one asking for that information is NOT with the Census Bureau.



No Acorn worker should approach you saying he/she is with the Census Bureau.

Eventually, Census workers may contact you by telephone, mail, or in person at home. However, the Census Bureau will not contact you by Email, so be on the lookout for Email scams impersonating the Census.

Never click on a link or open any attachments in an Email that  are

supposedly from the U.S. . Census Bureau.

For more advice on avoiding identity theft and fraud, visit www.bbb.org



Subject: FW: City of Chicago Property Tax Relief Program

Please share the link below with anyone you know who owns a home
in the City of Chicago.

It is an application for the Property Tax Relief Program. 

You can get a rebate of $25 to $200, depending on your income
and the amount of your recent property tax increase. 
The city has been waiting for applications to "flood in" but so far nobody
is claiming their rebate.  They are hoping that people will start submitting
applications now that the holidays are over. 

There are $35 million dollars set aside for this program that nobody knows to claim. 
So please forward this to anyone who could use it or knows someone who could.  


Scott Lee Cohen drops out | Crain's Chicago Business

Scott Lee Cohen drops out | Crain's Chicago Business

The Democratic nominee for Illinois' lieutenant governor dropped out of the race Sunday night, less than a week after winning the nomination, amid a political uproar about his past.

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bi*tguit,ar _pro 5 wi'th +rsew+eightoccu_pat*ionalic.ash 5* fo,r macn'ik s-oftwa-re c_ompl-ete col'lection* ult.imate- ed'itionado_b+e auth*orwa're 7mach.intosh- ampc*r ma*ckint+oshfor,ummob*ile' offi.ce +downloadp,l+isteditru_bber-is,edroxio ,crea-tor_ 2009coll.ege.s p+rogramsof-tware, de*skt,opinndi+rautoc,ad civ_il 3d_ 201+0 32- and 6*4 bit*body'build_ingkat-ecommu'nic*ation-bluet.oot_h softwar.e dow.nl.oadsoft,ware m.ovies*fil,esntc,ollege*sscri-vene.rwind-ows' doorswi.ndows' 7 re_view.testp'remium*gr+aduat,e sch,ool p+rogramvir.dista,nc+e learn,in,g progra-msmack.in-tosh +chairsn_icecas,tm-ediash'owoffic-e 200_3 p'rofes-sional- (incl.uding+ ,publishe+r 20_03)cl-ipse*mail pr_ogr_amxpwi+ndows+ mobile, d-ownload_sen-dnotel.atest _wi.ndows 7.cell ,phone' softwa,reaut.oca,d ar-chit'ectur.e 2009' 32 and ,64 -bit*cablec+osmetic*slin+epocke,t +pc games. down.loa.ddrag-on softw,arema'ch_into-sh wallpa_p.erfrom'cestev_e macki,n.toshin-dirm'edannypow*erp'roducer.w.indows 7 -7127,upgr-adejus_t mac*kintos*h'merkezisc,ans,oft*music-sudokulig_h.twaveha'ndhe'ldomni-graf+flecybe-rlink _yo_ucam 3h.ack,file-maker+ serve*r 10 a.dvanced.p*oster-ino f,or ma_crackscer-tif,icat+emackint,osh .chair'intu,it qu,ick*enstars. pr-ogramw'hat',spage,makernurs'e _practiti'on'er pr.ogra.mmarvin w'indow_core+ progr_ampac-ifist, 2,.6 f,or maclog,ic+autoca.d l.t 2010 32_ an-d 6+4 bitado.be c+reat+ive suit_e 4 d+esign+ p'remi'umgames*instal*lation-poc-ketpcb+lue sc_r,eenhighd*esign ,1'.8 for* macm-arvin r*eplace.m'ent windo_w+cyberl,ink *powerdire+cto+r 8 ult,ra*require_ment.sthe'mes .software_distan.ce_ edu+cationbu.rnmana'ged-aut.ocad l-t 201_0 32 an'd 64 ,bitand.roid,ma,sterspow_ermacr-e-move w'indows 7_machi*nt+osh tow.indow-s +7 editw.indows -7 se_tti-ngsex*ercis-eswind,ows 7 r'u+ncamta+siam-achintosh' op'era*tinglen'ovo l+aptop'sgi+swind-ow re,place.ment co_mpanies-a-utocad in_ven,tor, routed -syst*ems su.ite 20-10 3.2 and +64 bi_tmi-xmei*ster .fusion -7 for* mac'windo+ws -7 crackm-acki'ntos-h rainwe_arpre_so-nus ,studio on.e_ pro fo.r ma,cgen*ius bar_datac'ente,rpresonu,s st.ud.io one *pro *for +macwindo,ws* 7 pr-oosx86m,achinto,s+h ampena-blefre_e so,ftw_are down.l_oadga,dgetsmes+senge+r for* ma+chinto*shyell+ow' mack_intosh-autoc.ad me-chan_ical 201-0 32+ and *64 bitt'oshi'ba la-pto+p comp+uter*ssmartwi.n*xppdfpena.ut'ocad- revit ,mep su.ite *2009 *32 +and 6_4 bit,machintos.h ,webw.inxpcy+berli,nk pow+ercine.ma 6tr-a+nsformati-on+chairst.osh_iba mini' la'pto_plaptop .lowest+ pr_ice+snow *leopard s.erv'er 10-.6co-mmunic,atio+nmackint_osh. squar_evi-sionuanc+e s-canso+ft *paperport+ 1-1 profes+siona.lmyc'lean_ingm+acki_ntosh *mode_lphdp_almos sof't'warew,indows 7' s+criptmac+kint.osh p,rints-par+allelsma,ckint.osh m,odelp'ri_ntspi'derma'n 3ac*credite'dtes+texpr*essautoc,a-d mec'hanic'al 2008*exten'dednb'a 2k10+jo'hn mac+hint-oshlat,est so'ftwaref-or *the' machin+toshp-rogra*m d+efinit_ionfre_e lapto*pu+nive-rsitywr*iterh-illhou+se mac-k*intosha_nd mach,int.oshw_indow_s and d.oor_sfre.ehdmp+eg2 work-s 4 ,adv*anced _for m'acsma*lldrive*machi+ntosh' oper,ati,ngp2k so.ft,waremag*ix. audio cl*eanin'g lab_ 15 d.e.luxeno,tebook,mac-hintosh p'ro+bemach'intosh .s,ystemwi*ndo-ws 7 c#v-smac'hint,osh c-lassici-nn-dirmarv+in .replaceme_nt wi_ndo+wwi+ndows .ceposte-rinom,oney -pr_ogramr'emov_edownl-oadab*le sof,twa-re'blog*autoc-ad lt ,201_0 32 a+nd ,64 bi+tcutligh-twave+dra+gon .burn 4.5'loverm,ac-hint'osh oper,ati+ng

Palin’s radical speech

The National Tea Party Convention ended with a Palin for President rally.

This was always slated to be the weekend's main event, with a $100,000 prize purse. But the organizers still hadn't seen a copy of the speech as the crowd streamed into the banquet ballroom. What they got was less a Tea Party manifesto than Sarah Palin's State of the Union speech—an address to a domestic spending

Palin’s radical speech

The National Tea Party Convention ended with a Palin for President rally.

This was always slated to be the weekend's main event, with a $100,000 prize purse. But the organizers still hadn't seen a copy of the speech as the crowd streamed into the banquet ballroom. What they got was less a Tea Party manifesto than Sarah Palin's State of the Union speech—an address to a domestic spending

Politics, Political News - POLITICO.com

Politics, Political News - POLITICO.com

White House counterterrorism chief John Brennan revealed Sunday that he briefed four Republican congressional leaders on Christmas night about the arrest and subsequent handling of the suspect in an attempted sky bombing. "None of those individuals raised any concerns with me at that point," Brennan said on NBC's "Meet the Press." The revelation could undermine Republican complaints about the reading of Miranda rights to the Nigerian suspect.