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Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Wednesday's Daily Brief

The Huffington Post   2010-08-04

The Daily Brief

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Russell Simmons: Ground Zero Mosque: Are We Digging a Hole in the Soul of America?



Russell Simmons: As a nation that was founded by men and women who were being persecuted for their particular faith, we should know that the best path to finding freedom is finding freedom for others. We were formed as a pluralistic society and this means we welcome all religions. Islam did not attack the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, sick and twisted men did, who not only hijacked four airplanes but also hijacked a religion. Let us not stereotype the over one billion Muslims around the world because of the evil acts of a few.

Michael R. Bloomberg: Defending Religious Tolerance: Remarks on the Mosque Near Ground Zero

The World Trade Center Site will forever hold a special place in our City, in our hearts. But we would be untrue to the best part of ourselves if we said 'no' to a mosque in Lower Manhattan.

Larry Magid: New BlackBerry, Android Upgrade Play Catch-Up with Apple

A few weeks ago, the big news in the smartphone world was that Apple set the world right by fixing the phone's dysfunctional antenna for free. This week, we're hearing from the other camps.

Robert Scheer: Married to the Clinton Mob

Clinton nostalgia is dangerous nonsense, and for Democrats to go down that road is to avoid serious assessment of their own party's role in the economic debacle that haunts the nation.

Cenk Uygur: Rep. Rogers: We Should Have Considered Executing Daniel Ellsberg

Instead of demanding the death penalty, let's take a deep breath and figure out what the real solution is to a whistleblower that reveals important information that the public has a right to know but violates clear military rules to do so.

Caroline Matthews: Brakin' the Debt Cycle

Americans need to be told that, as voters, that we are not exempt from the equation. We asked for low taxes and a lot of benefits and our candidates delivered.


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