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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Carville: 'Do or Die' Time for Senate Democrats


Breaking from Newsmax.com

Carville: 'Do or Die' Time for Senate Democrats

By Jim Meyers

Political strategist James Carville says Senate Democrats face a "do-or-die" deadline and desperately need contributions to stave off a looming defeat in November.

Carville voiced his concerns in an urgent fundraising e-mail he sent out on behalf of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

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He is asking Democrats to donate — even $5 — to combat "Tea Party fervor" and "Karl Rove's Billionaire Corps," and says if the DSCC misses its fundraising goal "you can count us out in November. Harsh, but true."

Carville's full e-mail follows:

Tea Party fervor is at a fever pitch, and these races are as close as can be. 15 are within 5 points. Mitch McConnell is majority leader if they win 10, and money's no object. Karl Rove's Billionaire Corps is making sure of that.

The DSCC is facing a do-or-die deadline in 4 days, and the amount you - and every grassroots supporter - can give will determine how many Democrats get help in the final weeks. They still need to raise $585,985, and if you give now, each dollar will be matched.

Missing this goal isn't an option. If we don't raise every nickel we're counting on, you can count us out in November. Harsh, but true.

Fight back immediately with a gift of $5 or more to the DSCC! The DSCC must raise $585,985 in the next 4 days to hold back the Tea Party tide. Every dollar you give will be matched, doubling your impact!

Here's the caliber of political thought we'll get in the Senate if we don't fight back NOW:

  • Christine O'Donnell, Sarah Palin's pick in Delaware, thinks gay people suffer from mental illness.
  • Rand Paul in Kentucky doesn't think businesses should be forced to serve members of the public they don't like.
  • Ken Buck in Colorado might be the ultimate Tea Partier. He even supports repealing the 17th Amendment. You know, the one that lets people elect their own senators.
  • Sharron Angle in Nevada is so committed to the Tea Party cause, she's suggested the possibility of armed insurrection if conservatives don't win at the ballot box.
  • At least five Republican Senate candidates -- including all of those listed above - oppose a woman's right to choose, even in cases of rape and incest.

In a normal year, these dangerous views might be enough to keep them out of office. But this ain't a normal election year. Tea Party groups are spending millions nationwide, and there's more money where that came from. Karl Rove's American Crossroads, for example, gets a whopping 91% of its money from a handful of billionaires. So much for "grassroots anger."

The DSCC's nearly 500,000 donors are what stands between these radical candidates and the Senate. Every dollar you give will be matched and work twice as hard exposing their radical views. We're counting on your help to reach our goal by September 30.

Fight back immediately with a gift of $5 or more to the DSCC! The DSCC must raise $585,985 in the next 4 days to hold back the Tea Party tide. Every dollar you give will be matched, doubling your impact!

I hate to say it, but these guys could win. Scratch that: they could win if we don't fight back with everything we've got. So what are you waiting for?

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