C.L.I.C.K. for Justice and Equality is an agent of communication alerting our social community of injustices and inequalities among the socially disadvantaged and disenfranchised individual. C.L.I.C.K. developed and created this website to assist the socially disenfranchised or disadvantaged individual in litigating their issues in Federal and State courts.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday's Daily Brief

The Huffington Post   2010-06-28

The Daily Brief

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Robert Kuttner: It's the Jobs, Stupid



Robert Kuttner: Obama needs to learn from the example of Harry Truman. In the summer and fall of 1948, when Republicans controlled both houses of Congress, and Truman was widely given up as a goner, Truman responded by deliberately sending legislation on housing and jobs that he knew they would defeat -- to dramatize the difference between his own program and the Republican one. Truman not only won re-election in November 1948 in American history's greatest electoral upset; his coattails were so attractive that the Democrats took back both houses of Congress. Click here to read more.

Steve Kettmann: Byrd, Despite Dark Past, May Have Been the Last Great U.S. Senator

I hope the passing of Robert Byrd, longest-serving Senator in the history of this country, will inspire at least a brief consideration of what made him great -- and what his legacy tells us about the politics of today.

Naomi Klein: Sticking the Public With the Bill for the Bankers' Crisis

My city feels like a crime scene, and the criminals are fleeing the scene. I'm not talking about the kids who burned cop cars on Saturday. I'm talking about the heads of state who smashed social safety nets and burned good jobs.

HuffPost Radio: Debut: Both Sides Now w/ Huffington & Matalin

Today begins a regular Monday feature of a new national radio blog: Both Sides Now w/ Huffington & Matalin, hosted by Mark Green. Inside, listen to either last Sunday's two-hour WABC special, or a ten minute "best of" version of this weekend's hour-long program.

Ari Melber: Knocking Kagan's Experience, GOP Attack May Backfire

It is worth recalling that Elena Kagan was previously nominated to the bench: President Clinton nominated Kagan to serve on the D.C. Circuit in 1999. Had the Senate confirmed her then, she would have spent 11 years on a federal bench by now.

Alan Black: Video Replay: Should Soccer Now Have It?

On Sunday at the World Cup, England was denied a legitimate goal when the ref failed to see the ball bounce over the German line. Should the referee be able to examine video replay to judge a call correctly?


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