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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Will Obama greet Muslims on Capitol Hill?

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Will Obama greet Muslims on Capitol Hill?
Gary Bauer says he wonders whether President Barack Obama -- who essentially spurned Christians on the National Day of Prayer -- will give a special greeting to a Muslim gathering scheduled later this month on Capitol Hill.

Perspective: Jimmy Carter and the Elvis factor
Wing nuts will always be with us. It's unfortunate that a former President of the United States sits among them.

Voter intimidation case still a mystery
A former member of the Federal Election Commission says the Obama Justice Department has still yet to adequately explain its decision to dump a highly publicized voter intimidation case involving the New Black Panther Party.

ACORN fraud finally sprouts on mainstream news
A conservative media watchdog says as the controversy surrounding ACORN continues to grow, the mainstream media is reluctantly beginning to cover the story.

Perspective: Capitalism and Michael Moore
Michael Moore wants everyone in the world to be equally poor -- provided he can earn millions of dollars by making movies about "evil" capitalism.

More of today's news
Arrest made in ...
Hofstra Rape
Pol Carter Race
Lab technician arrested in slaying of Yale student
Police say a Yale University lab technician has been arrested in the killing of a graduate student whose body was found stuffed behind the wall of a campus research building.

Car bomb kills at least 10 in Afghan capital
KABUL A homicide car bomb hit vehicles carrying foreign troops near the U.S. Embassy and an American military base in Afghanistan's capital Thursday, killing at

Children, man found dead in 'gruesome' homicide
THOUSAND OAKS, Calif. Officials say two children and a man have been found dead in an apparent homicide in an apartment in Southern California. Ventura County sheriff's Detective Eric

Deep divisions over long-awaited health care plan
WASHINGTON President Barack Obama's call for an overhaul of the nation's health care system gained fresh momentum with the introduction of long delayed Senate legislation to

New health proposal is industry's favorite so far
WASHINGTON The latest health overhaul plan circulating on Capitol Hill gives health insurers, drug makers and large employers reasons to heave sighs of relief, sparing

ACORN CEO Blames Modern-Day McCarthyism For Troubles
Check out this video of MSNBC's Ed Schultz interviewing ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis. Lewissays ACORN is a "target of this right wing Republican attempt. . ." and that they will "not stand for this modern day McCarthyism . . ."

Rasmussen: Opposition to Obamacare hits new high
Elijah Friedeman| Rasmussen released a poll yesterday that shows opposition to Obamacare is higher than ever. According to the poll, 55% of Americans are opposed to the healthcare bill, and only 42% are in favor of it. This is not only the highest level of opposition to the plan, but the level of support has now fallen to the previous low recorded in August when the townhalls were in full swing.

When is a Lie a Lie?
by Jerry Richardson Lanny Davis, liberal, Democrat, former Clinton defense attorney, and long time, Clinton apologist, weighed in (9 15 09) on the Joe Wilson "You Lie" controversy.In case you haven't heard about the controversy, during President Obama's

ACORN Gets Seven Supporters in the Senate
by Jeremy WigginsWith the passage of the legislation that cuts funding to ACORN, we are left wondering what those seven senators who voted against the cut were thinking. Here is just a little info I scrounged up to

Jack the Tipper
(Our fall winter speaking slots are filling up at Prophecy Matters. If your church would be interested in hosting a dynamic seminar dealing with prophecy Israel apologetics creationism, drop us a line at info@prophecymatters.com. See you there or in the

Senate votes to cut funding for ACORN
Elijah Friedeman| Thanks to an undercover investigation and plenty of bad press resulting from that investigation, the Senate has voted to cut funding to ACORN.

Conservative and Liberal View of Reform
by Jerry Richardson I claim that abasic conflict in ideology is the background that is fueling the current healthcare battle. The conflict, as I see it,is between liberalism and conservatism. But of course, you say, that opinion is well known.

Defense of Democracies
Crane Durham talks to Tom Joscelyn

National Defense
TI talks with Lt. Col. Bob Maginnis

National Suicide
Matt Friedeman talks to author Martin Gross

An American Hero
Matt American Hero

The Left Cannot Seem to Help Themselves
Matt Friedeman talks about the left and racism

The Promised Land
Matt Friedeman

Who Do You Blame For the Economic Crisis We Are In?
Crane Economic Crisis

Our Fathers Fought for Liberty
a poem by James Russell Lowell

Current Event: " 'Frank' Democrats censor GOP mail"
What's new in Washington? Democrat-controlled Congress censoring Republican mail!

New ID Resource
Those of you interested in apologetics and Intelligent Design may want to know that William Dembski and I just released a new resource on ID. Check it out here: seanmcdowell.org

The Care and Feeding of Homeschool Moms, Part 2
by Mary Friedeman More on maintaining balance in our lives as homeschool momsâ€" A day off is likely to be a rare occasion at best, so find something that recharges your battery and make a little space for it

The Care and Feeding of Homeschool Moms
by Mary Friedeman A reader of this blog recently wrote, Will you address the feeling of "never having a day off" sometimes? This is something I struggle with too. I mean there is NEVER a day off from being a

Finding Jesus on the Mommy-Go-Round
By Mary Friedeman Right now I feel a little discombobulated. My kitchen is betwixt and betweenâ€"appliances and old cabinets removed and new cabinets waiting to be installed. Dishes, pots, pans, et al are packed in boxes or sitting on

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