C.L.I.C.K. for Justice and Equality is an agent of communication alerting our social community of injustices and inequalities among the socially disadvantaged and disenfranchised individual. C.L.I.C.K. developed and created this website to assist the socially disenfranchised or disadvantaged individual in litigating their issues in Federal and State courts.

Friday, July 10, 2009

A "Whites-only" pool in 2009? Take action now

Please read the article below; if you can support, it would be appeciated.


"Whites only?" Sixty-five kids at a summer camp were recently kicked out of
a swimming pool, evidently because of their race.

<http://www.colorofchange.org/swim/?id=2259-889892> Kids denied access to
We can't let this stand.
Join us in condemning the swim club and asking the Department of Justice to

<http://www.colorofchange.org/swim/?id=2259-889892> Click here

Dear Frankie,

Two weeks ago outside Philadelphia, 65 children from a summer camp tried to
go swimming at a club that their camp had a contract to use. Apparently, the
people at the club didn't know that the group of kids was predominantly

When the campers entered the pool, White parents allegedly took their kids
out of the water, and the swimming club's staff asked the campers to leave.
The next day, the club told the summer camp that their membership would be
canceled and that their payment would be refunded. When asked why, the
club's manager said that a lot of kids "would change the complexion ... and
the atmosphere of the club."1

A "Whites only" pool in 2009 should not be tolerated. The club's actions
appear to be a violation of section 1981 of the Civil Rights Act.2 Whether
or not any laws were violated, a "Whites only" pool should be something
every American condemns.

Please join us in doing exactly that, and please email your friends and
family and invite them to do the same. Your signature will also be used to
call on the Department of Justice to evaluate suing the facility under
federal law. It takes just a moment to do both, here:


Obama is President but that doesn't mean that suddenly all is fine when it
comes to race in America. This is a vivid reminder of what we know still
lies beneath the surface.

We all know stories like this one -- similar incidents play out quietly
every day in different communities across the country. The difference in
this case is that folks got caught and there was a contract in place that
makes for a potentially illegal act.

Standing up now isn't just about making things right for these kids in
Philadelphia or bringing consequences to this swim club (called the Valley
Swim Club). It's about creating a climate of accountability everywhere. If
we can publicly shame the Valley Swim Club and hold them accountable for
this incident, it will make others think twice before engaging in what
appears to be blatant discrimination.

Please join us in condemning the Valley Swim Club's behavior and calling on
the Justice Department to investigate whether they violated civil rights
laws. And please ask your friends and family to do the same.


Thanks and Peace,

-- James, Gabriel, William, Dani and the rest of the ColorOfChange.org team
   July 10th, 2009

Help support our work. ColorOfChange.org is powered by YOU -- your energy
and dollars. We take no money from lobbyists or large corporations that
don't share our values, and our tiny staff ensures your contributions go a
long way. You can contribute here:



1. "'Pool Boots Kids Who Might "Change the Complexion,'" NBC Philadelphia,

2. "Section 1981 Summary," Employment Law Information Network

More Resources:

"60 Black Kids Booted from Philly Pool For Being Black -- Speak Out," Jill
Tubman at Jack and Jill Politics, 07-08-09

VIDEO: "Please Don't Change the Complexion of our Pool," This Week in
Blackness, 07-08-09

"Swim Club Accused of Discrimination," FOX 29 Philadelphia, 07-08-09

"Valley Swim Club: Day Two," Adam B at Daily Kos, 07-08-09


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