Electromagnetic Device That Erases Pain in 60 Minutes? Cutting-Edge Discoveries That Make You Live Longer ... Grow Younger -- and Become Free from Pain One of the the Top 5 most frequently asked questions received by Dr. Mehmet Oz, (also known as "America's Doctor") is the following: What are the most important things I can do to live longer? It seems everyone over the age of 40 is interested in reclaiming their youth and vitality, finding out how to extend their lives -- and especially, how to be free from pain. For what good is living longer ... if you're suffering from pain? According to a Google report, over the past 12 months, there were approximately 3.2 billion searches done by people looking for a remedy for pain -- low back pain, headache, arthritis pain, joint pain, abdominal pain, chest pain, pain from trauma or injuries, and other kinds of pain -- both chronic and acute. During the recent Longevity Conference which took place last March in Costa Mesa, California, a revolutionary solution for eradicating pain for good was presented -- alongside cutting-edge discoveries that enable you to live longer (as well as younger and healthier). The conference organizer was none other than David Wolfe, who is considered one of the world's top authorities on natural health -- and who counts among his "fans" Hollywood celebrities, America's top CEOs, global ambassadors and busy professionals. The DVDs of the Longevity Conference were just made available to the public last week. I was one of the first to purchase the DVDs -- but little did I know I was in for a big surprise! I was only seven minutes into the very first video (07:32, to be exact), and I was absolutely astonished by the mind-blowing health information being presented. It was, quite frankly, the most advanced health information I had ever heard of -- one which had the potential to transform the health and lives of people all over the world! As the Editor of The Underground Health Reporter, I thought I had seen everything there is to see about health. But even though I'm usually up to date on the latest healing technologies and nutritional information, I found that everything I knew about longevity nutrients like beta-glucans, polysaccharide peptides (PSP) and polysaccharide K (PSK) was "old news" compared to the cutting-edge information provided by the health experts at the Longevity Conference. Here are just a few of the countless amazing things I learned from the Longevity Conference DVDs that I've never found anywhere else:
There's an electromagnetic phenomenon that enables you to make any physical pain disappear in 1 hour or less. Back pain, headache pain, joint pain, arthritis pain, abdominal pain, chest pain, any kind of physical pain -- chronic or acute -- gone forever! And all you have to do is sit, stand or lie down while connected to an electrically conductive device! (See details below) For the first time in history, there's a drug-free, herbal solution for activating telomerase, the enzyme that rebuilds telomeres (the end caps of DNA strands). Telomerase makes your telomeres longer, which means your cells will not only stop aging but could actually get younger as time goes by. This herbal extract is considered by many as a life-prolonging elixir, and is also being studied by biotechnology firms as a solution for fighting HIV and infections associated with aging. There's a new healing paradigm that ... normalizes the autonomic nervous system of the body ... balances brain function ... eases muscle tension ... neutralizes stress ... and maximizes your skin conductance response (thereby helping to alleviate skin conditions such as psoriasis, acne, seborrhea, etc.) -- in 2 seconds or less! There's a little-known mineral you can add to even the dirtiest, most contaminated water and transform it into the most pristine, highest grade drinking water. That water will replenish the 10 layers of water surrounding your DNA -- thereby preventing DNA damage that causes accelerated aging, cancer and a host of serious health problems. The money you save and the health you regain simply by "making your own water" is worth the price of the conference DVDs many times over. Adding this mineral to your drinking water has even been shown to get rid of gray hair! How a $2.25 million NIH study is poised to prove that a specific variety of mushroom helps cure breast cancer. Hint: You've probably never heard of this medicinal mushroom before, even though it's the best documented mushroom in medial research. (No, it's not reishi, maitake or shiitake). A mushroom grower's 84-year-old mother, who was diagnosed with Stage IV terminal breast cancer, became cancer-free in 8 months because of this mushroom. (See details below) There's a nutrient that has been shown to help prevent and heal degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's Disease, diabetes and cancer, as well as asthma, depression, schizophrenia and a wide spectrum of health conditions, including overweight and obesity. Hint: This can single-handedly prevent at least 2 million cancer deaths per year. There is a method of growing food in a way that optimizes the food's genetics. When we eat that food, we, in turn, optimize our genetics -- and this is when the activation of human genius occurs. This may well be the secret to creating generations of genius children who can transform the world. | The health information above represents only a tiny fraction of the highlights contained in 3 of the 24 videos that comprise the Longevity Conference DVD set. Although each of the 24 videos contains priceless health information, Video 1 alone is worth 100 times the price of the entire DVD set. Here's why: 20 Years of Pain -- Gone in 1 Hour! In Video 1, the conference emcee, Len Foley, asked the attendees this question: "How many of you have experienced any type of physical pain anywhere in your body?" Every one of the 460 attendees' hands went up in the air. Then came the second question: "Is there anybody in this room who wants to get rid of your pain without doing anything -- no drugs, no surgery -- while you're sitting in your chair and have the pain go away in 60 minutes?" The room became so quiet that you could've heard a pin drop. No one seemed to believe it was possible. I know I didn't. Len proceeded to ask for volunteers -- volunteers who had acute or chronic pain that they've had for years, and who were willing to do a simple procedure to get rid of that pain in 1 hour. The 4 volunteers who came forward suffered from different kinds of pain, including lower back pain and knee pain. Before they underwent the procedure, the volunteers were asked to give a small pinprick blood sample so that a "Before" snapshot could be taken of it -- and later compared to a second blood sample to be taken after the procedure. The procedure involved simply affixing to the bottom of the right foot an adhesive patch attached to an electrically conductive grounding mechanism that had been wired to their chair. The results were mind-boggling! After just one hour, the volunteers were able to get rid of the pain that they've had for years! But what was even more astounding was how their blood looked after the procedure. Here is a before-and-after snapshot of the blood of one of the volunteers. ↓↓↓↓  The before-and-after snapshot above was representative of all the other volunteers' snapshots. The "Before" shot shows the blood cells abnormally clumped together (i.e. agglutinated). That's because a body that suffers from pain has a deficiency of electrons, and this causes the blood cells to attach themselves to each other in an effort to get the electrical charge that they need. This clumping of cells brings about an inflammatory response -- the free radical response, which causes the pain. The "After" shot shows that immediately after electrons were delivered to the body via the electrically conductive grounding device, the blood cells instantly became negatively charged. We know this because the cells detached themselves from each other. Healthy blood cells do not stick to each other because they all have a negative electrical charge -- so they repel each other and don't clump together. Here's an explanation of the phenomenon that occurred: ==> The grounding device conducted electrons from the earth and delivered them to the part of the body where the inflammation or pain was located (because that's the place where there was a deficiency of electrons); ==> the free radicals were immediately neutralized; ==> and as a result, the inflammation and the pain completely disappeared. The elegant simplicity of this natural pain elimination phenomenon is so breathtaking -- especially in light of the fact that the electrically conductive device with which you "ground" yourself is not expensive at all. One would think that a device which eliminates any and all physical pain would be sold for hundreds, or even thousands of dollars. Actually, it costs only between $20.00 to $60.00, depending on which retailer you buy it from. I'll reveal my little-known source in next week's issue of The Underground Health Reporter. For the time being, I recommend you get the Longevity Conference DVDs so you'll learn how to use the device and have access to the stunning experiments and research behind it. Getting rid of pain is only the beginning... Pain elimination is just one of the amazing things that the electrically conductive grounding device accomplishes (see other health and longevity benefits below). But if getting rid of pain were the only thing it did, that would be a great feat in and of itself. After all, acute and chronic pain are probably the most common health problems people have. Imagine what the world would be like if no one suffered from pain anymore. Low back pain is something that 80% of adults experience in their lifetime, and it accounts for 25% of visits to primary care physicians, according to Edward Paul, M.D., Associate Professor of Family and Community Medicine, University of Arizona College of Medicine. Headache pain is No. 2 among the most common acute and chronic types of pain; followed by joint pain (from arthritis or from trauma caused by accidents or sports injuries). Then, there's chronic abdominal pain, acute abdominal pain and different types of chest pain syndromes. But alleviation of pain through electromagnetism is just one of the countless health benefits delivered by this revolutionary mechanism... Health and Longevity in 60 Minutes! "The human cell is electrical in nature, not chemical. Chemical reactions in the body take time, so we can't expect to improve our lives rapidly through chemistry. The electromagnetic phenomenon, on the other hand, is instantaneous -- so our best bet for better living is through electromagnetism." | In addition to getting rid of inflammation and pain, being "grounded" to the earth via the electrically conductive device also ...
==> leads to a dramatic improvement in your longevity ==> boosts intelligence ==> improves circulation instantaneously ==> regulates blood pressure ==> immediately alleviates skin conditions (such as psoriasis, seborrhea, acne, rosacea, etc.) because of marked change in skin conductance ==> helps heal auto-immune diseases (lupus, Epstein-Barr, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, fibromyalgia, Type 1 diabetes) ==> instantly gets allergies under control ==> provides increased energy and vitality ==> decreases muscle tension significantly ==> creates an electron shield around your body that protects you against electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from computers, appliances, power lines, home wiring, airport and military radar, substations and transformers. [Note: EMFs have been shown to cause brain tumors, leukemia, birth defects, miscarriages, chronic fatigue, headaches, cataracts, heart problems, stress. nausea, chest pain, forgetfulness, cancer and other health problems.] | And all these health benefits are delivered within 60 minutes. The studies show that "grounding" yourself with this electrically conductive device for only 20 to 30 minutes is usually sufficient, but most results are seen within 1 hour. Perhaps the most astounding thing about this "grounding" phenomenon is that it's based on solid science and backed by multiple scientific studies involving biophysicists, medical doctors and electrophysiologists. It's Actually a Scientific Certainty. When you "ground" yourself via the electrically conductive device described in Video 1, you will get rid of any pain and inflammation from your body. And as sure as 2 molecules of hydrogen and 1 molecule of oxygen become water (H2O), you will also get all the health and longevity benefits enumerated above. I know you're beginning to see why I said earlier that Video 1 alone is worth 100 times the price of the entire Longevity Conference DVD set. When you own the Longevity Conference DVDs, you'll find out for yourself how the healing discovery in Video 1 can radically impact your health and your longevity. Click here to get the DVDs. ↓↓↓↓ http://www.1minutecure.com/Longevity1.htm?a_aid=2131 Quite frankly, all the other videos of the Longevity Conference reveal healing discoveries that are also amazing. Any one of them could also dramatically change your health and your life. What would your life become if you used all the discoveries of the 17 health experts featured in the Longevity Conference? [See list of conference speakers below] A Paradigm Shift in Your Health and Well-Being In any given health conference, if you learn just one thing that is useful, that one thing could literally change your life. But if you come away with information from 17 health experts, how would that change your life? Unlike other health conferences you may have attended in the past (whether in person or via webcasts or DVDs), the Longevity Conference is not a hodgepodge of unrelated health information thrown together gratuitously for the purpose of filling up time slots. Neither is it just an entire kitchen sink full of ordinary information that you can find in books, health publications or the Internet. Instead, the content presented at the Longevity Conference consists of cutting-edge, state-of-the-art discoveries -- most of it not yet available to the general public -- from the best health disciplines. And the content was designed to come together as one massive but cohesive body of knowledge that is both valuable and immediately useful. The Longevity Conference DVDs cover the whole spectrum of advanced health information. No time has been wasted on unproven or marginally effective health and longevity information that have dubious benefits. All you'll get are pure, usable strategies that take the least amount of time, energy and finances -- and yet get you the highest return on your investment and the highest value back. Maximum Health in Minimum Time! In many ways, owning the conference DVDs is better than having attended the actual Longevity Conference in person last March. Here's why: 1) Sometimes, when you attend a live conference, you aren't able to take notes fast enough -- or you miss out on some of the important information because speakers talk too fast. With the DVDs, you can watch the presentations at your own pace ... and have the luxury of replaying the portions of the conference you want to listen to again and again -- as often as you like. 2) You also don't have to incur the cost of traveling to the conference site or booking a hotel room to attend the conference. When you decide you want to own the Longevity Conference DVDs, the DVDs will be shipped to you as soon as your order is processed, and they will arrive at your doorstep in 7 to 10 days. But here's something wonderful that David Wolfe is giving ... A Special Time-Sensitive Bonus Gift: When you purchase the Longevity Conference DVDs on or before midnight tonight, you will also get instant access to the Longevity Conference webcasts (Retail Value: $147.00) absolutely F.R.E.E. That way, you can start watching all the conference videos now -- even before your DVDs arrive in the mail. A link to the conference webcasts, along with your User Name and Password will be e-mailed to you within a few minutes after your order is processed. You could be watching those eye-opening videos in as little as 5 minutes from now! To sweeten the deal even more, David is offering 3 more bonus gifts when you purchase your Longevity Conference Home Study Course on or before midnight tonight:
Please understand that David can only guarantee you'll get the Bonus Gifts above (Total Retail Value: $414.00) when you order the Longevity Conference DVDs before midnight tonight. Here's a last-minute bonus that David just announced this morning: For all those who order the Longevity Conference DVDs in the month of May only, you will have access to a Bonus Webpage where you can ask any health question you want -- and David will personally answer your question. Click here to get the DVDs now before the month is over. ↓↓↓↓ http://www.1minutecure.com/Longevity1.htm?a_aid=2131 Send for the Longevity Conference DVDs with Zero Risk - 100% Money-Back Guarantee: There is absolutely no risk on your part when you preview the Longevity Conference Home Study Course. You don't risk even a single dime. If it's not the most comprehensive information on anti-aging, longevity and health that you've ever encountered, or you're not 100% satisfied with it for any reason, you can return it within 30 days and your entire purchase price will be cheerfully refunded. You can even keep all 4 bonus gifts as a thank-you from David Wolfe just for giving it a try. Remember: When you purchase the Longevity Conference DVDs by midnight tonight, you will also get instant access to the Longevity Conference webcasts (Retail Value: $147.00) absolutely F.R.E.E. That way, you can start watching all the conference videos today -- even before your DVDs arrive in the mail. 17 More Reasons Why You Must Own the Longevity Conference Home Study Course The Longevity Conference Home Study Course is a resource that you simply cannot afford to miss. It is, in my opinion, the most valuable compendium of health you'll ever own. It features 17 of the most remarkable and celebrated health experts who will reveal their profound discoveries (that you can use immediately)
Dr. Joseph Mercola is an Osteopathic physician and a New York Times bestselling author, who owns what is arguably the world's No. 1 Health Newsletter with over 2 million subscribers. He has a holistic approach to medicine, treating the entire person rather than a collection of symptoms. In 2009, he was named by the Huffington Post as the "Ultimate Game Changer in Wellness," putting him among the 100 innovators, visionaries, and leaders who are harnessing the power of new media to reshape their fields and change the world. Paul Stamets has been one of the leading award-winning mycologists for the last 30 years. He has devoted his life to studying the new wave of technologies that harness the inherent power of mushrooms and fungal mycellium, cultivation, and medicinal use. He is the Founder and President of Fungi Perfecti, LLC, and the author of 6 books, (including Mycellium Running) focused on the subject of medicinal mushrooms and how they can help save the world. George Lamoureux is a Master Herbalist (tonic and clinical) for over 15 years. He holds a Masters degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture from Yo San University. He is certified by the National Certification Committee for Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Mike Adams is the founder of NaturalNews.com, an online news source covering all areas of personal and planetary wellness from nutrition to renewable energy. He's authored more than 1,600 articles on health, interviewed today's greatest pioneers in alternative medicine, completed dozens of books and special reports on the subject, and built a following of over 800,000 people across the globe. After he cured himself of Type 2 diabetes, he made it his life mission to share the most remarkable discovery he made on his quest -- that the vast majority of diseases can be easily prevented and even cured without drugs or surgery. Donna Gates is a nutritional consultant, lecturer and author of The Body Ecology Diet, which has sold over 180,000 copies, and is now in its 10th Edition. She is well trained in Chinese medicine, macrobiotics, natural hygiene, raw foods and mega-supplement therapy, and has helped thousands of people overcome candidiasis and other immune system disorders. Donna was instrumental in introducing fermented food and drinks, coconut oil, stevia, and young coconut kefir to the United States. She is committed to preventing and overcoming autism, and she has been working with autistic children's and their diet to help them on their way to recovery. Ian Clark is a one-of-a-kind individual in the high-end health and wellness revolution. He is well traveled and has gathered definitive information and resources to help people completely transform their health. The information he shares involves water, air, nutrition, detoxification, and full-spectrum mineralization allowing the body to heal itself in all areas including mental, emotional, dental, structural, sexual, environmental, and metabolic processes providing a progressive transformation to the next level. Mariel Hemingway is a model, actor, movie producer, wellness lifestyle expert and author of books on life, yoga, nutrition and well being. She is the granddaughter of illustrious author Ernest Hemingway, and is herself an Oscar-Nominated actress who has appeared in over 30 films. She is the owner of Mariel's Kitchen, a company created to share her passion of living a healthy and happy life. She has led wellness retreats all over America, sharing her insights about movement, home, silence, and nutrition. TR Goodman is the founder of Pro Camp Sports, an elite fitness company dedicated to achieving peak fitness for the long term. His clients include A-list celebrities and professional athletes from all major sports. Among many he has worked with are James Caan, Frank Gehry, Ray Liotta, Tiger Woods and Mike Tyson. He was nominated as one of the Top 100 People of Power and Influence in Professional Ice Hockey. He has studied Pranic Healing, an the ancient energetic healing system since 1998. Goodman is a contributor to Men's Health magazine and educates his clients on proper alignment, nutrition, fitness, positive thinking and being proactive in the arena of health and wellness. Nadine Artemis is the co-creator of Living Libations and an expert in the field of natural beauty products (including edible and aromatic skin care products). She develops beauty products, healing balms, reviving elixirs, perfumes, incense, essential oils and dental care products that bring out the strengths of the botanicals without relying on synthetics. She taps into the purest plant essences to create the most sublime botanical compounds. Frank Giglio is a classically trained chef from the New England Culinary Institute and Graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York Citify. He is regarded as the Elixir Creator Extraordinaire and master creator of medicinal beverages. He merges classical technique with herbalism, superfood nutrition and whole foods, which enable him to create a clean, pure, and healing style of cuisine. Dr. Stewart Blaikie & Kim Sol --- Dr. Blaikie has been a licensed Chiropractic Doctor for over 30 years, utilizing many powerful physical bodywork techniques, along with deep powerful neuro-emotional and neuro-mental/spiritual techniques for balancing and homeostasis on all levels. Dr. Blaikie is also a Teacher Trainer for Liver Cleansing & Purification, and has guided thousands of individuals through liver cleansing. Dr. Blaikie is married to Kim Sol, who is health educator, a colon hydrotherapist, master yoga teacher, and co-creator of Love your Liver workshops and retreats that focus on liver cleansing for amazing improvements in well being. She is passionate about positive lifestyle changes that facilitate growth in consciousness and awareness through cleansing, food and movement. Kim has over 25 years experience teaching movement arts and yoga. Truth Calkins is an herbalist and raw food guru. He is a healer who cures ailments with his elixirs. He studies minerals, elements, vitamins, supplements, and tonic herbalism and manages the Tonic Bar at Erewhon Market, a model store for the natural food industry. Jason Wrobel is a Los-Angeles based Raw Food Chef, TV personality and Personal Chef specializing in organic, living foods, vegan and vegetarian cuisine with a focus on radical simplicity and artful presentation. Jason's ecstatic creations are imbued with the energy of fresh, local, organic produce and the healing properties of exotic raw superfoods. A graduate of the Living Light Culinary Arts Institute in Fort Bragg, California, he holds official certification as an Associate Raw Foods Chef and Instructor. He's on a mission to inspire and teach people how to eat enzyme-rich meals made with foods not heated above 118 degrees Demian Lichtenstein is a Hollywood film producer and director, as well as the founder and CEO of Equilibrium Entertainment and Lightstone Entertainment. He has been mentored in 3D filming techniques by James Cameron on Avatar, to date the most expensive film in history and the highest grossing film of all time. He was inspired by his sister to shift his talent and focus from Hollywood to supporting the planet instead. He is currently filming a documentary called Discover the Gift starring the health, eco, nutrition and natural beauty expert David Wolfe and many others. He is also filming a 3D movie called The Guardians, which also centers on topics relating to planetary consciousness. Solla is an Icelandic super-food expert who has appeared on morning TV in Iceland for over 6 years teaching people how to prepare healthy food. She writes a weekly article and gives recipes in women's magazines, and conducts classes on raw food extensively. | Click here to get the Longevity Conference Home Study Course ↓↓↓↓ http://www.1minutecure.com/Longevity1.htm?a_aid=2131 Wishing you the best of health, Danica Collins Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, LLC